Subject: California Tiger Salamander (these little guys are important)

The Fish and Game Commission hearing on whether or not to list the
California Tiger Salamander as endangered is on Friday in Long Beach.
The staff has supported the listing, but the opposition (the usual
suspects) is lobbying hard against it.

The species is found in the Central Valley, adjacent foothills, Coast
Ranges, and the Santa Rosa Plain in Sonoma County.  Protection of the
species could be critical to protection of the Central Coast and Central

Complete information about its endangerment is at:

If you know anyone who might be able to attend, please let them know
about the meeting. The item shouldn't be heard until late morning.  The
hearing is in Long Beach City Council Chambers on Friday. (Agenda at

Thanks for anything you can do.. the opposition plans to have lots of

With best regards,

Travis Longcore