Thanks everyone for helping to Organize the 2013  3rd Southern California Permaculture Convergence happening this weekend in San Diego (SOLD OUT)

Thanks everyone for helping to Organize the 2013  3rd Southern California Permaculture Convergence happening this weekend in San Diego (SOLD OUT)

HERE is the History and thank you San Diego Permaculture Guild  Organizers
Claudia F, Marianne West, Alden Hough, Ann Hough, Michelle Bernson, Diego Footer, Rashid “Ra” Gilanpour

The Southern California Permaculture Convergence is a collaboratively organized event involving multiple individuals who usually come from and represent multiple organizations, all joining forces to organize the Convergence. Members of the Convergence Organizing Team work mostly on a voluntary basis to serve the greater community.

Each Convergence, a new bio-region and new organizers step up and become involved on the Organizing Team, and help ensure the Convergence is carried forward and weaving together the great Southern California guild.

Some of the key organizers who have been involved in previous Convergences include Wesley Roe, Margie Bushman, Kolmi Majumdar, Warren Brush, Joan Stevens, Sean Jennings, Mary Jennings, Joey Soto, and Rashid “Ra” Gilanpour. Some of the key organizations who have been involved in the past include Quail Springs, Santa Barbara Permaculture Network, and the Los Angeles Permaculture Guild.


Claudia F – Claudia is the organizer of the San Diego Permaculture Meetup. When she does not have her hands in the dirt, she usually has them in some sort of trouble. She started dreaming up plans for world domination way before she received her PDC. If you see her around, give her a high 5 to keep her on her toes.

Marianne West - Marianne is the co-organizer of the San Diego Permaculture Meetup group and the organizer of the Lemon Grove Organic Edibles Garden Club. She is a Yoga Teacher, Master Composter, PDC graduate, Community Activist, Writer, but currently spends most of her time exploring and facilitating the Gerson Therapy for her husband and self. This is a nutritional therapy healing cancer and many other ailments.

Alden Hough – Garden Manager and Instructor, Sky Mountain Institute.  Alden spent six years working and traveling in Asia.  That experience made him want to live a simple life and treat the Earth as if it really mattered. Alden is a graduate of the internationally renowned Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems program at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He is committed to organic gardening practices, regenerating the soil, and social justice. Programs take place at their seven acre demonstration garden and focus on hands-on training covering such areas as soil regeneration, water harvesting, and sustainable living, permaculture practices, helping others to develop organic gardens and localize food sources, and backyard food networking and information sharing. He has incorporated wild foods into his diet for many years.

Ann Hough – Managing Director, The Escondido Creek Conservancy.  Ann moved from the UK in 2007 after a 25 year career working as an Operations Manager for Lloyds Bank both in the UK and in India. Her observations of the damage to the environment caused by globalization while in India caused her to change career paths and devote her energies to ‘right living’. She is a practitioner at Deer Park Monastery and lives with her husband, Alden, in Harmony Grove. In her spare time she helps Alden to run Sky Mountain Institute, a non-profit whose mission is to connect people with nature and teach them to live more sustainably.

Michelle Bernson – Landscape Designer & Consultant, Edge + Element Design.  Michelle is a transplant from Washington State where she received her Bachelor’s in Landscape Architecture.  She has spent the last three years promoting conversion of traditional landscape into edible or native plantings.  She currently works as a designer and permaculture consultant.

Diego Footer – Owner / Operator, Permafornia. Trained as an engineer, currently working in resource investments, Diego has always had an interest in gardening and growing plants. He has a passion for acquiring, promoting, teaching, and putting into practice all of the knowledge that is out there to make our future truly sustainable with ultimate abundance. He is a member of the California Rare Fruit Growers and started a local permaculture group. He is currently in the process of converting his suburban property into a cash-flowing permaculture mini-farm using a variety of permaculture principles – polyculture, microswales, greywater, chickens, and food forests. He took his PDC with Larry Santoyo in Los Angeles.

Rashid “Ra” Gilanpour – Development / Outreach / Media, Living Mandala. “Ra” as he is known by most, is a previous co-organizer of the 2011 Southern California Permaculture Convergence, and most recently a co-lead producer of the 2012 Northern California Permaculture Convergence. He currently works with Living Mandala helping to further enhance the success of the permaculture movement by producing high quality permaculture events, permaculture media, and educational trainings.


To Contact Specific Members of the Organizing Team, or if you wish to be involved in helping organize a future convergence please email: