Hi again!

Here's a reminder for our Grow Food Party happening this weekend.
A few quick updates:
1. Please bring ANY tools you can to share - shovels, rakes, picks, wheelbarrows, etc.
2. Bring any extra veggie starts or transplants if you have them around. We are on the lookout for more to plant!
3. Bring your instruments and invite any friends that play - we don't yet have live music lined up and would love to!
4. We are really focusing on Saturday at this point and it's likely that we won't have much more work to do on Sunday. BUT, Saturday night around the fire is still happening!
See below for any other details you might need. Please call if you need anything.
Hi Everyone!

We're hosting a special 2-Day Grow Food Party Extravaganza at our house (2250 Ocean St. Ext. in Santa Cruz) on Saturday & Sunday, August 7 & 8! This may be the first ever 2-Day Grow Food Party! Please check out the details below, then RSVP on the web at: www.AbundanceInBalance.com/calendar.html

What is a Grow Food Party?
A Grow Food Party is a community gathering in which people come together to have fun and create an edible garden. We play music, eat delicious food, and learn how to grow food by doing it together. Its a great way to spend time with you're favorite people, make new friends, and make a remarkable contribution to someone's life in your community - all with the intention of creating a future of health, happiness, and abundance!

What's special about this party?
One of our special intentions behind this party is “Creating our dream landscape using free, local, salvaged materials.” So this is an extraordinary opportunity not only to come learn everything you need to know about how to build raised veggie beds, but also how to do it all for free! (Sorry, there’s no excuse - you can have it all no matter what your constraints are!)

Since we are planning a 2-Day party, friends are welcome to stay late for continued fun around the fire at the new fire pit we build and possibly spend the night.
The site itself is a treat to visit - a beautiful, sunny green home with a view surrounded by oak woodlands, just outside downtown Santa Cruz - near the San Lorenzo River.

Party Details
Saturday 10-5PM - Grow Food Party
              6:30PM-10PM - Music around the Fire and More delicious food
Sunday 10AM - ? - Continue with any work that's left over and have a yummy community brunch.*
*We highly emphasize coming on Saturday as most of the project focus will happen then - AND we might complete all the work and have nothing left for Sunday.

What to bring and expect
Bring tools, musical instruments, a potluck item, clothes to get dirty in, and anything else fun.
The whole party will be led by Devin Slavin, co-founder of the Grow Food Party Crew, along with the help of many others. Be prepared to help in the garden, in the kitchen, or anywhere else you want to pitch in. If work is a concern, don't worry and just come for fun - your presence is a present for us!

For more info you can check out this video on YouTube:

Party Helpers
If you would like to take on helping with some added responsibility - I.E. take on managing the kitchen or the music all day, please let us know when you RSVP online and we will contact you to set this up.
We will be hosting a party prep day on Thurs. Aug. 5, from 9AM to 12PM for anyone who wants to get “behind the scenes” and have more fun up front.

If you have questions, please email Devin@abundanceinbalance.com or call him at (831) 704- 6242.

Please RSVP online at http://www.AbundanceInBalance.com/calendar.html as soon as you know you can be there!

Thanks ahead of time for creating our garden and creating a future of abundance!

With Love,
Devin, Karsten, Anna-Lisa, and Lynn

Devin Slavin
Regenerative Design & Mentoring
Office: (831) 704-6242
Skype: AbundanceInBalance

Upcoming Events:

Play and plant an edible oasis at our next Grow Food Party:
RSVP @ www.abundanceinbalance.com under "Courses and Events"

Getting Nature Connected and 4-Seasons Permaculture Course in Santa Cruz, CA
Visit www.jonyoung.org/getnature for registration and more info.


Fresh video from Grow Food Party Crew Santa Cruz!

Latest video from our Creating an Edible Oasis workshop:

Check out the official Grow Food Party Crew video: