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You still have the opportunity to register for one of the few spaces left in what has been described as a l
ife-changing experience, full of hope: the San Luis Obispo Permaculture Design Course Intensive starting this Sunday June 17 with lead instructor Larry Santoyo.

Santoyo offers a clear perspective of the need to act now not out of fear for the future, but out of love for the present- and teaches that permaculture design can help us if we apply its principles to
any field of human endeavor...

Watch an interview with him here: "Permaculture for Humanity" : and then register online and discover how solving the world's problems can be embarrassingly simple...

Hands-On Permaculture Design Course -Live, Learn, Work & Play on an Organic Farm...
June 14-27 
|  San Luis Obispo County, California  |  $1550   |  10% Friends Discount when 2 or more register together

Join us as we return to Four Elements Farm to live the rhythm of farm life while learning Experiential Permaculture.

Start the day picking in the berry patch! Hands-on opportunities on the organic farm abound throughout the course: chickens, composting, food forestry, harvesting, farmers markets, bees, biodiesel and more.

Then, through lecture, storytelling and group discussion, learn permaculture's principles- the indicators of sustainability- and how their application can be used towards solving the needs of any situation- urban, rural, individual, community or business... 

Whether you're a renter or a homeowner, a student or a teacher, a left-brainer or a right-brainer, type A or type Z- you'll learn a whole new way of approaching problem-solving that will transform your life and- help you transform the world around you.


Larry Santoyo, Director, EarthFlow Design Works and Vice President of the Permaculture Institute.

Toby Hemenway, Director, The Center for Pattern Literacy, Field Director, Permaculture Institute and Author of Gaia's Garden.

NOTE: Toby will be debuting his new second edition of Gaia's Garden at the course- with new information, new pictures and new color photos.

Register Now with a friend to secure your place: - and receive a 10% discount.

Download a flyer here and post -thanks! PermacultureCourse copy.pdf


EarthFlow Design Works