March 6 at Sheraton San Diego Bay Tower
1590 Harbor Island Drive, San Diego
8AM to 4PM
World renown permaculture designer Darren Doherty leads a full day workshop in San Diego on March 6.
Applying the Regrarians Platform to project design and development ensures that production landscape enterprises, be they startup or established, have a critical, methodical and thorough process that is typically lacking in other methodologies.
One of the best ways to learn how to apply the RP, is to apply the RP! This day long #PV3 workshop will do just that, using 2 interactive and participatory case studies that are of a scale common in production landscapes.
Included in this workshop are a digital copy of the 1.Climate and 2. Geography chapters of the Regrarians Handbook along with access to a range of planning and design presentations, spreadsheets and other documents prepared by Regrarians Ltd.Morning:
Professional application of the Regrarians Platform to project design and development
Site A — smaller scale holding — an inclusive and participatory design
exercise where together we apply the RP to develop a concept plan for
the development of this small holding
Site B — larger scale holding — similar approach to the morning session and Site A — in this case we look to the broader scale landscape and the different planning, development and investment issues at play
Key Takeaways from this Workshop:
What you will learn in this Workshop:
The 10 factor Regrarians Platform (RP) was first developed in 2010 (by Darren J. Doherty) following an intense period of global training and outreach from 2001 onwards. Using P.A. Yeomans’ 8 factor “keyline scale of permanence of all things agricultural” (1958) as its base, the RP not only added 9.Economy and 10.Energy, but became more holistic with the crucial infusion social and legal considerations.
The RP embraces and distills the world’s most effective regenerative design and planning methods — making it in effect a ‘methodology of methodologies’, by assigning an coherent,, strategic and practical order to their application.
1. CLIMATE – You, Enterprise, Risk, Weather
2. GEOGRAPHY – Landform, Components, Proximity
3. WATER – Storage, Harvesting, Reticulation
4. ACCESS – Roads, Tracks, Trails, Markets, Utilities, People
5. FORESTRY – Blocks, Shelter, Savannah, Orchards, Natural
6. BUILDINGS – Homes, Sheds, Portable, Yards
7. FENCING – Permanent, Electric, Cross, Living
8. SOILS – Planned Grazing, Minerals, Fertility, Crops
9. ECONOMY – Analysis, Strategy, Value Chain
10. ENERGY – Photosynthesis, Generation, Storage
The workshop will take place at the Sheraton San Diego Bay Tower, 1590 Harbor Island Drive, San Diego - on Sunday March 6 from 8AM to 4PM
For full workshop details, schedule, and registration visit: