This heat is a great reminder how precious our water resources are.
I hope you had a great summer! Now that we are heading into fall it's time to start thinking about catching your rainwater if you don't already have it set up! Check out Upcoming Event #4 if you are a do-it-yourselfer and want to learn the ins-and-outs of rainwater harvesting. And remember if you are in the city of San Diego, you can get a rebate for up to $400 for your tank!
I'd like to remind you that I offer consultations if you are looking at using your water resources more efficiently in your home. In about an hour we can discuss rainwater tanks and other rainwater use, greywater options, landscaping efficiency, costs, resources etc. I can give you a wide array of options to fit your budget, with an eye to long term planning and efficiency in resources and cost. There are a few more spots open for September.
Note there are a few upcoming events you might find useful.
1. Zero Energy Zero Water Building Conference, USGBC
I'll be in a panel discussion Wednesday, September 11 1:45 - 3pm, led by my colleague Rosalind Haselbeck from Building Green Futures
If you can make it and mention that you got this email, I'll give you $50 off a consultation!
This will be a great opportunity for homeowners, builders and landscapers to learn more about water saving strategies appropriate for San Diego!
2. Permaculture Class starting September 21
Permaculture is a design process you can apply to any system you want to be sustainable. By mimicking natures patterns in our gardens, our communities, our businesses we can create abundance for people and all species and even regenerate what has been degraded. This is amazing course that will change your approach as your move forward in your planning processes.
3. Hands-On Greywater Installation Workshop, Bonita October 5
For more information and to sign up check out the following link on the San Diego Sustainable Living Institute's website:
4. Rainwater Tank Installation Workshop
Hands-on Rainwater Tank InstallationWorkshop
Saturday, October 19 9am-12pm, morning snacks provided
La Mesa
Class cost: $35-$50, sliding scale
Are you looking forward to the upcoming rainy season so you can harvest that precious water resource instead of watching it go down the drain? At this hands-on workshop, you'll learn about different rain storage options, important steps for water harvesting and how to use your stored water. Join Brook Sarson, water harvesting professional, with H2OME ( where she will walk you through a 500 gallon tank installation, which will be used to water a veggie garden. This installation is a great example of how water harvesting is a great way to deal with your drainage issues, turning your problem into a solution!
Are you curious about greywater? Would you like to tap into this gently used water to grow more for less? On this same day, you can help install a simple laundry-to-landscape system to water a basin of berry vines. We will go over the latest greywater policy for San Diego and show you how to install your own.
You will walk away from this workshop with enough information to make an informed decision about the possibilities at your site. You will also know how to install your own water tanks and have access to resources to help you complete your project.
Class size is limited to 15 attendees, so please RSVP soon to Brook at to reserve your spot.