There's a great workshop coming up this Sunday to learn to install your own greywater system.  Check out the details below and other offerings from the San Diego Sustainable Living Institute.
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Date: February 20, 2013 10:02:18 AM PST
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Upcoming Sustainable Living Events
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Participate in the Great Greywater Challenge

We have a number of Donation Only Laundry to Landscape classes coming up!

A family of 4 people can save over 16,000 gallons of water a year by using laundry water to irrigate their landscape. If 365 households set up a simple, cheap, permit free, and legal greywater system we can save the region over 5 millions gallons of water a year!  Come join the challenge, together we can create a water abundant San Diego.

Check out how easy it is to install a simple greywater system in this hands-on workshop where we will install a greywater system from start to finish in an afternoon!  There is a class scheduled for this weekend.

Did you know that a single inch of rain that falls on an acre of land produces 27,000 gallons of water!  Learn how you can cheaply harvest this abundance and more on any size property with Rainwater Harvesting Earthworks.  These passive water harvesting features store water right where you need it without tanks, barrels, or pumps. 
Have you been wanting to learn how to make your own fresh, local, and tasty cheese?  Join us for a series of cheese making classes starting with anIntroduction to Cheese Making where you will make 3 soft cheeses and then progress to theHard Cheese class to learn how to make a cheddar and a blue cheese.
The Spring Permaculture Design Course is set to begin in April. Permaculture is an integrated ecological design system for creating sustainable human settlements. Far more than a set of gardening tips and techniques, Permaculture is about understanding and designing the connections between people, the earth, plants, energy, climate, water, transportation, shelter, animals, economics and much more.

Community Events

There are also a few great community events coming up that are not to be missed. This weekend join us at the San Diego Peace Garden for the Kale Festival.  There will be free workshops all day long.  Coming up in March, San Diego will be hosting the Southern California Permaculture Convergence, a weekend of workshops and presentations on all aspects of permaculture.

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