for those in permaculture who have a special
interest in pattern design, this is a remarkable and stunningly beautiful
video. Would be wonderful to show at all Permaculture Design
Courses for deeper understanding of the world we live in.
Nature by Numbers by Cristobal Vila:
mathematics helps us discover
nature, this movie inspired by numbers, geometry & nature
an explanation of in both english
& spanish:
of all the chapters in the Permaculture Design manual by Bill
Mollison, Chapter 4 on Pattern Understanding is the most profound with
this material on the relationship between mathematics and nature.
It is what takes permaculture beyond the perception of merely being about
gardening and landcare, but to its true focus on design. (if you
still haven't read because of the cost, the Permaculture Design Manual is
available at many libraries)
(805) 962-2571
P.O. Box 92156, Santa Barbara, CA 93190
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