Hands-On Rain Harvesting/Tank Installation Workshop
Sunday, January 31 9am-4pm, Potluck lunch
Class cost: $55
Are you watching all this rain go down the drain? Learn about different rain storage options, important steps to remember when implementing any water harvesting strategies and how to use your stored water at this hands-on workshop. Brook Sarson, water harvesting professional, with H2OME (www.h2o-me.com), along with KC Montgomery, licensed and insured plumber, with Monty’s Plumbing (www.montysplumbing.com) will walk you through a 1000 gallon tank installation and a 750 gallon tank installation at a home in Scripps Ranch.
The class will start with a site introduction, followed by an hour presentation on rainwater harvesting strategies and considerations. Then we will discuss the specifics of our site, our materials, and begin work to connect our gutter downspouts through filters to our rainwater tanks.
You should walk away from this workshop with enough information to either make an informed decision about what can be done at your site by Brook and KC, or you will know how to install your own water tanks, and have access to resources to help you complete your project.
Class size is limited, so please RSVP soon to Brook at brook@h2o-me.com, or call 619.964.4838, to reserve your spot. Please bring a dish to share for lunch!