Permaculture in Lesotho

by Chief Maama Masopha

Working with nature is my hobby,

Working with nature is part of my life.

Permaculture, where were you

When we lost the vegetation we had?

Permaculture where have you been?

Now that we are starving,

Why did you delay to be known,

While we have many specialists?

My country is now bare.

Who can we blame?

Herbs are diminishing,

Drought has taken advantage.

Where shall we get the herbs?

What will the herbalists do?

Importation is becoming our motto.

Our soils are very poor,

Their good structures are gone,

Their textures are destroyed,

Yet you are present and silent.

Why did you hesitate so long to be applied in Lesotho,

Yet you are known by the world?

Chemicals have spoiled our soils,

The ecosystem is disconnected,

People and animals are suffocated,

Chemicals are very expensive,

Farmers cannot afford.

Permaculture, do you know where you originate?

You are a citizen of Australia,

Your fathers gave you a good name.

We highly appreciate their thoughts,

Because you involve everything.

Living things are in need of you,

Besides you, there is no living.

New Zealand visited your home,

They saw your preciousness,

They wanted to elope with you.

This, your fathers appreciated,

Because you are a child of nations.

Your wonders reached Nepal and Zimbabwe.

The idea was put into practice, you proved to be creative.

Botswana did not hesitate,

Possibly Kalahari Desert will improve.

U.S. accepted your challenge,

They made trials on small scales,

Less expenses with high yields,

With natural resources surrounding you.

England became aware of your tricks,

They allowed you to rule their hearts.

Thailand heard of this new technique,

They wanted a positive change

And you did not betray them.

Permaculture, become our living,

Your ideas are perfect,

Your principles are marvelous.

Your fruits are known by the world.

Your absence caused migration,

Ignorance of you caused erosion.

Look at the mountains in Lesotho;

Big dongas are countless,

One district is almost a desert,

Maize does not reach the height of a man.

Who to care about this situation?

Our top soils are enriching another country,

Tonnes of soil are deposited every year,

As if not enough,

Our water is irrigating another country.

Permaculture, we are in need of you.

Unity is our motto and our song.

Are we doing it practically?

Berea, Maseru, Quithing Agriculture Groups, what are your views?

How many schools are members? If they are few, why?

How can we solve this problem?

For how long do we ask for funds

From countries which have the same problems?

Why can't we change?

Not only the attitudes of people,

But do.
(published in Permaculture issue of Hopedance magazine several years ago, go to, related articles, click on Hopedance icon)

Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
(805) 962-2571
P.O. Box 92156, Santa Barbara, CA 93190

"We are like trees, we must create new leaves, in new directions, in order to grow." - Anonymous