PLEASE HELP US MAKE HISTORY w/ LANDMARK LEGISLATION!   (read more details further below)

We're hoping for our biggest turnout yet at this Monday's Santa Ana City Council Meeting where the first vote on this issue will take place, signing it into law.

Please wear RED or your group's shirt to show your support of the Sunshine Ordinance.  Help us spread the word!  Bring friends and family with you....

Make sure you and/or your group sign up through the link (below left side) to formally endorse the ordinance.  You do NOT have to be a resident of Santa Ana to sign.  Anyone who finds transparency in government important can sign.  Please *don't* do so if you have already signed an endorsement or petition (paper or electronic).  

Thanks and hope you to see you at City Hall this coming Monday!

(20 Civic Center Plaza, Council Chambers, 92701 - parking is validated.) 



Lara Montagne

Executive Director

office: 714.542.9392
mobile: 949.533.8617

Stay Informed:  Facebook  Twitter 

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Sept.17th  Santa Ana CityHall  5:00pm 

Together We Can Create a Better Santa Ana!


Save The Date:

Sept 17th, 2012- At Our City Hall

20 Civic Center Plaza

Tell the City of Santa Ana to “Let the Sunshine in”
Everyone loves “Sunshine” in Santa Ana
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Learn more about the ordinance by going to our website.
You too can add your organization, community group or business to the list! 

Contact us, or sign yourself up as an individual on our petition letter HERE!

What is SaCReD

SaCreD is a broad-based community coalition working together with Santa Ana City Council and City Staff members to pass the “Santa Ana Sunshine Ordinance,” a policy that will make Santa Ana one of the most transparent, open and participatory cities in the country.

Join Us

It is crucial that the Council sees everyone that supports the ordinance. Our presence is needed to urge our Council members to make the right choice. We must continue to urge Council members that Sunshine is a priority!

Join us Monday, September 17, 2012 at 5:00 PM to make this message loud and clear before the City's first reading of the Sunshine Ordinance.

In the last few weeks, SACReD  has been working diligently with City Staff and Council Members to put the final touches on the Santa Ana Sunshine Ordinance. The group, led by residents of Santa Ana, community organizations, neighborhood associations, small businesses, workers, and unions, has been dedicated to spreading the message that "Sunshine" is good for All of Santa Ana. The Sunshine ordinance will increase inclusion and transparency and ensuring that it happens early in the process in order to engage the public on time--when public input can still be incorporated.

The Sunshine Ordinance is an opportunity for more people to take part in the decisions of the City, take ownership of Santa Ana and work to make it better

"The heart of Santa Ana is healthy families and a strong economy, through participation!"  

"La participación crea familias saludables y economias fuertes

Together we can Create a Better Santa Ana

Representatives of SACReD are working with councilmembers hand in hand to  bring the ordinance forward.  Many organizations, too, have come forward to endorse the Ordinance, including:
Santa Ana Building Healthy Communities
The Orange County Dream Team
Hermandad Mexicana
The Grain Project
SEIU 1877- Justice for Janitors
Orange County Human Relations
Downtown Neighborhood Association
Madison Park Neighborhood Association,

Outrageous Costumes, 
Occupy Santa Ana
SEIU 721
De Colores Queer OC
Teresa's Jewlers
Templo Calvario Development Corporation
, Los Amigos Santa Ana
Orange County Peace Coalition
The Road Less Traveled
Artist Village

Yost Theatre
St. Teres'a Catholic Gift Shop

Los Amigos Anaheim

Chicanos Unidos
American Barbershop

Bistro 400
You too can add your organization, community group or business to the list! Contact us, or sign yourself up as an individual on our petition letter HERE!

Please inform the community about the opportunity to support this landmark legislation in Santa Ana.

Daisy Gonzalez, Outreach Coordinator
The Kennedy Commission
17701 Cowan Avenue Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92614


Lara Montagne

Executive Director

office: 714.542.9392
mobile: 949.533.8617

Stay Informed:  Facebook  Twitter