Growing Apples in Warm Climates (PVP097)…/growing-apples-in-warm…/

An apple’s origin is not a limiting factor in whether it will grow for you or not.” Kevin Hauser
Permaculture Voices Apples

Key Takeaways:
Humidity can create more issues than heat in terms of growing apple trees. Higher humidity can increase chances for powdery mildew.
Put the tree in the ground and see how it grows. 
Training the tree to have a more horizontal branching habit will yield more production that vertical oriented branches.
The darker the seeds are the more ripe the apples are. They should be dark brown or black.
Two good refrigerated storage varieties: Fuji, Goldrush.
Sunburn can really hurt trees in hot climates. Paint the trunks and horizontal limbs. Kevin uses 1/3 White Latex Paint, 1/3 Dry Wall Mud, 1/3 Water

“It would be well if fruit growers in each geographical section would raise and test new (apple) seedlings, and introduce and experiment with new varieties produced elsewhere, aiming always to select those best adapted to the requirements of the particular locality. IN this way many localities where the apple cannot be grown today might produce thriving orchards.” Luther Burbank, 1914
“An apple’s origin is not a limiting factor in whether it will grow for you or not.”
“It only takes one good variety to build an industry around.”…/growing-apples-in-warm…/