North American Permaculture Convergence Aug 29-31 2014 Harmony Park Minnesota USA 

AUGUST 29 � 31, 2014


This very first North American Permaculture Convergence offers a special opportunity to meet up to 1,000 permaculture movers and shakers from across North America to share our successes and strategize how to create a permaculture future. Permaculture pioneers, authors, teachers, organizers, consultants, visionaries and farmers getting together to talk story and build symbiotic relationships.
EVERY PERMACULTURIST IN NORTH AMERICA IS INVITED!Old and young, Experienced and novice.  The NAPC is a historic moment. It marks the cusp of a new era, the turning of the wheel, the passing of the guard. Be a part of this historic event.

This is a meeting of the minds.
This is a gathering of the experts.

A permaculture convergence is traditionally just for permaculture design course graduates. NAPC�s main audience is practicing permaculturists, but we willing to take registrations from interested people who are non-pdc grads. One of the goals of NAPC is to bring together the long-term, old-growth, hard-core permies. We expect that half of the participants will be fully capable of teaching permaculture. This is a convocation where we are all talking and sharing together. It will be exciting!

Long-time permaculture pioneers are especially invited.
We�d like to hear some of your accumulated knowledge and wisdom.  We�d like to sit with you, reminisce about the spread of permaculture in North America, and discuss our best strategies going into the future. The permaculture pioneers aren�t retiring from permaculture.  Permaculture is a lifestyle, a way of life founded on our three ethics. We suspect many of the permaculture pioneers will die with their boots on; doing their best to make a difference.

The presentations will be divided into 3 tracks . . .
beginner track
middle track
advanced track

Anyone can schedule a presentation. WE expect and encourage a wave of proposals for presentations, round-table groups, etc.  The NAPC program committee will have to keep track of all of them and categorize them, look for duplicates, and assist them to happen in an orderly manner. If you�d like to put something on the schedule, fill out the form in the Program menu.

Goals of the convergence include:
Building links between permaculture and broader movements for social change
Making permaculture more effective in world affairs
Design, teaching, advocacy
PDC standards and certification
Advanced design and teaching courses
Specialty courses
Enable us individually and collectively to be more effective
How to run pc consulting businesses
Policy, politics, Networking
Building working relationships
Increasing linkages
Building new and old friendships

NAPC as an egalitarian community.
We view the NAPC event as a gathering of the tribe. A meeting of a peer group.
We value everyone�s input and participation. Come because you are excited about participating. Everyone has something to share.  We are all part of the permaculture community.NAPC is taking an egalitarian stance when it comes to presenters and speakers. As this is a peer group event, we are asking everyone to pay their share of the NAPC expenses.With the exception of 1) those core group organizers who are putting in hundreds of hours to pull this off. 2) Work-trade people who put in significant extra hours doing the nitty-gritty work of the day. 3) People awarded scholarships because of their great work in disadvantaged communities and demanding situations.Gatherings and festivals are one of the most important parts of being human. Particularly when it is a gathering of your own �culture� or subculture. You feel safe there and belong. People from the same profession getting together is inspiring, empowering and offers a way to exchange information and make connections that can never be achieved via internet or technology.

Convergence: what does it mean?
the degree or point at which lines, objects, etc., converge.
� the merging of distinct technologies, industries, or devices into a unified whole.
�. Ophthalmology:  coordinated movement of the two eyes so that the image of a single point is formed on corresponding retinal areas
�  to tend to meet in a point or line; incline toward each other, as lines that are not parallel.
�.to tend to a common result, conclusion, etc
�. The act, condition, quality, or fact of converging.
�. Mathematics The property or manner of approaching a limit, such as a point, line, function, or value.
:  the act of converging and especially moving toward union or uniformity; especially
:  the state or property of being convergent
:  independent development of similar characters (as of bodily structure of unrelated organisms or cultural traits) often associated with similarity of habits or environment. [convergent evolution]

Synonyms:  concurrence, confluence, meeting, merging, congress, appulse, resort (focus), asymptote, concourse, concentration, coradiation, conflux, convergency, assemblage.


Use our Facebook group page at to arrange to share rooms, RVs, etc!

Camping � If you are purchasing a full weekend pass we welcome you to build community with us by camping on-site at no extra cost. Campsites are rustic with no hook-ups, a short walk from bathrooms and water. Bring your own camping supplies. Please arrive and set up your campsite before dark.

A limited number of RV spaces are available for an additional cost. If you do not want to camp, there are a number of motels nearby.  Please see the comprehensive list below.

Shower Building � The shower building has ten pay stalls that feature on-demand hot showers.

Firewood � Firewood is available for purchase on site. In order to protect the natural surroundings from tree-borne disease, we request that no off-site wood is brought in.

Lake  � Harmony Park is surrounded on 3 sides by Geneva Lake.  While this a shallow lake that is managed for wildlife, there are places where someone can slip into the water for a cooling dip. The use of soap and shampoo are not permitted.

Playground � In 2009 Harmony Park saw the addition of a state-of-the-art playground by Rainbow Play Systems. We will provide additional children�s activities throughout the weekend.

2014 NAPC Local Lodging:

There are many lodging options in Albert Lea, which is just 15 minutes from the NAPC.