� Register before Friday Aug 23rd and save $175 -contact <info@CityOfAngelsPermaculture.com>
� FREE Permaculture classes coming soon!
Los Angeles�
First weekend of each month for 6 months October 2013 - March 2014
Begins Saturday & Sunday, Oct 5 & 6, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
In and Around Los Angeles
A Certificate Course for Design Professionals, Land Managers & Homeowners
The Permaculture Design Course has truly transformed the lives and enhanced the careers of thousands of people around the world, including architects, developers, social workers, city planners, teachers, students, gardeners, landscapers, homeowners, business owners and others.
� Modern Homesteading
� Elegant, Ecological Home & Garden Design
� Natural Building & Property Development
� Celebrating Community
� Green Business Models
For anyone serious about creating a sustainable future. Permaculture Design touches on all aspects of life, offering decision-making protocols based on nature, for problem-solving, critical thinking and design.
� Designers are able to add new qualifications to their resumes and to their firms' ability to offer ecological services.
� Real estate and development companies are able to better meet the public's growing concern for the environment.
� Homeowners learn to increase the value of their property.
� Couples enjoy creating home retreats that enrich their families' lives.
� Teachers find new ways of integrating the art & science of Permaculture Design into their curriculum.
� College students are better able to direct their education.
� Many people change careers to create their own right livelihood.
The learning focus will be to design a community project- and extracurricular hands-on opportunities for home and garden design. Team projects are showcased on the final weekend of the course.
October 5/6 & November 2/3
Fire, Water, Earth & Air... Introduction to Permaculture Systems Thinking and Natural Pattern Understanding.
December 7/8 & January 4/5
Food, Water, Shelter & Energy... Designing & Building the Complete Home Ecosystem.
February 1/2 & March 1/2
Community & Green Business... EcoVillage Design and Community Celebration.
Teaching team is led by Larry Santoyo and include Internationally Acclaimed Leaders in the Worldwide Sustainability Movement.
Venues will take us in and around Los Angeles County, including The Permaculture Academy at�
Cafe|Club: Fais Do Do 5253 W Adams Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90016
Additional Field trips & Hands-On Trainings will also be announced.
$250 non-refundable deposit required to hold a space. (Balance due on or before Oct 1st)
� $95.00 per day
� $180.00 per weekend
� $1050.00 for all six weekends
$875.00 Early Registration Discount (must be paid in full by Aug 23rd)
Contact us to pay by cash check or credit card
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Larry Santoyo, Program Director