Taking the Long View
Winter 2013
Jackson Wellsprings, Ashland, Oregon
The winter Permaculture Design Course with Tom Ward and Siskiyou Permaculture has been rescheduled, and will now start on January 12th. We're definitely giving the course, but are hoping to include a few more students with our new schedule. We would greatly appreciate any help you can provide in passing the word to your friends and associates.
This PDC is held over 6 weekends on the dates below. How do we become indigenous to the place that we live? How can we build a persistent and resilient local culture that celebrates life? The PDC presents an array of solutions, tools and strategies for moving into a low carbon way of living sustainably on the only planet we have.
Participants learn to apply regenerative permaculture principles and patterns to design an integrated homestead, energy and water systems, forestry and healthy communities. You will gather practical skills and learn about whole systems design for living in ecological balance with the earth.
This is the primary permaculture course offered around the world with lots of local knowledge and applications. Lead instructor is Tom Ward with co-teachers Melanie Mindlin and Karen Taylor. We're excited to be holding the course this year at Jackson Wellsprings where we will enjoy their large, comfortable classroom and variety of projects and design opportunities.
DATES: January 12-13, February 2-3, February 16-17, March 2-3, March 23-24, April 6-7
Course Price $650