I'm writing to share with you all the third and final permaculture
documentary video from UMass Permaculture. The title is, "
Growing a Model
Sustainable Campus" and we are starting our big launch this week.
As you know, a powerful video can sometimes be a catalyst for enormous
global change, and we've spent the last 2 years filming and putting
together this piece which we think captures the essence of our project.
Our team's goal (and a friendly challenge from the university) is
to achieve 50,000 Youtube views by September 15,
2012. If that happens, our sponsors will donate enough money to fund
permaculture designs and installations (material costs and labor
covered) for 4 local schools!
After watching, please consider posting this video link on blog
sites you might have and any other social media sites (Facebook,
Twitter, etc.) Feel free to go a step further and e-mail it any family,
friends, colleagues, and others listservs who might also want to help
us spread this video far and wide.