Deep Nature Connection: Currently home to eagles, river otters, foxes, bears, mountain lions, bobcats, ringtails, martens, and many other endemic wildlife� Big Bend is a little known oasis of natural beauty. Throughout this internship, we will be incorporating core routines of nature connection and other practices to deepen our knowledge of and connection to the natural world.
Projects On the Land: permaculture gardening, irrigation, landscaping, carpentry, plumbing, electric, pruning, trail building, property cleanup, holistic cooking, food preservation, cob natural building, gardening, spring box / microhydro development, animal husbandry, small pond building, timber frame carpentry, forest stewardship, and more.
Intentional Community Processes: intentional community theory, invisible social structures, community visioning and intention setting, community agreement creation, facilitation, consensus decision making, ceremony/ritual, emotional processing modalities, gratitude circles, nature awareness practices, and more.
On & Off site Adventures: pond/river swimming, bonfires, hot springs soaking, primitive skills sharing, exploring the vastness of Mt. Shasta & Lassen National Parks, backpacking camping, mountain biking, fishing, seasonal celebrations, and more.
Hot Springs: Located just a few miles from Shire Springs are some of the most amazing hot springs you wil experience, and they are available for soaking at any time. The 3 pools at �Hunt & Kosk Hot Springs� are extremely beautiful, natural geothermal hot spots, thought to be sacred by the local indigenous Pit Tribes. It is asked that no glass bottles be brought to either. Camping is permitted at Hunt & Cosk. All hot springs are clothing optional.
Miscellaneous: Doctor Bronners will be provided, but bring all other shower and hygienic products that you need. Laundry machine, eco-detergent, and clotheslines are provided. Bring a bike if possible, as they�re nice to ride to and from the Hot Springs. Sorry, no children this time around. Alcohol is permitted during the evenings, but drunkenness is not.
Education: Most of the education at The Shire will be received by living through intentional community processes and working with the land. However, 2 afternoons of every week Shire members and/or guest teachers will be offering half day classes on various topics such as permaculture, sociacracy, community governance, deep nature connection, carpentry, natural building, water works, pruning, fermentation, nutrition, and more.
Food: All food is provided with the internship, and most meals will be eaten together. Food will be vegetarian based, with local meat available upon special arrangement. Lunch and dinner cooking shifts will be rotated amongst members and interns alike (2 co-shifts/wk). We will be eating most of our meals together in joy, gratitude, and community.
Housing: We have a large lodge style community house with a community kitchen, living area, wireless internet, office/library, arts & crafts area, indoor/outdoor showers, laundry, and 5 plus bedrooms. We request interns to stay in tents with their own camping gear, and to utilize the main house as the community living space. As part of the internship we will be continuing to work on some aspects of the main house.
Time: Shire members set minimum amounts of time for certain activities to ensure the fluid functioning of our community� These are broken down below:
- Work Trade Projects: 14hrs/wk
- Education/Classes: 6hrs/wk
- Shire Meetings: 2hrs/wk
- Circle & Community Processing: 2hrs/wk
- Cooking Shifts: 3hrs/wk
- Sit Spot / Nature Connection Practices: 3 hrs/wk
- Lodge Cleaning Party: 1hr/wk
- Hot Springs Soaking: 1hr/wk
- TOTAL: 32 hours/wk
We understand that personal time is of paramount importance, so any time other than what is listed above is yours to decide what to do with� Explore! Create! Relax! Enjoy yourself� : )
Cost: We are asking for an extremely affordable rate of $675 for this 4 week experience. This fee will include food, lodging expenses in the form of electric, propane, internet, etc, as well as guest instructors, preparation costs, and more.
Space for the internship is limited to 10 people - so apply soon!.