Spring is right around the corner; its time to prepare our gardens! March is a busy month for the Arroyo and Echo Park Time Bank Garden Group with three barn raisings ('barn raising' is the Garden Group's term for community members working together on a large garden project) and a garden workday at the FARMory. Bring your garden gloves, hat, sunscreen, water bottle, and energy!
Heres a summary of the barn raising dates and locations with details following:
Sunday March 18th 11:00 am - 4:00 pm (potluck lunch at 1:00) barn raising at Tiffs home in Echo Park
Saturday March 24th 10:00 am - 2:00 pm FARMory Spring Celebration in Pasadena
Sunday March 25th 9:00 am - 2:00 pm (potluck lunch at 12:00) barn raising at Julias home in Los Feliz
Saturday March 31st 10:00 am - 3:00 pm (potluck lunch at 1:00) barn raising at HM157 in Lincoln Heights
Tiff has a small front yard with a cactus garden and a large back yard with fruit trees and a place for a veggie garden.
Projects: weeding / pruning / trimming hedges and grass / transferring herb plants from the back yard to the front yard / improving garden paths / planting succulents
Needs: mulch (e-mail if you can bring this or drop it off in advance) / shovels / tools for weeding / pruning shears / wheelbarrow (e-mail if you can bring this or drop it off in advance)
Time: Sunday March 18th 11:00 am - 4:00 pm with a potluck lunch at 1:00 pm
Address: Echo Park (90026) Please e-mail laurahenne@gmail.com for the address
FARMory Spring Celebration: The Armory Center for the Arts is creating a learning garden in an empty city lot. Come and be part of whats growing at the FARMory!
Time: Saturday March 24th 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Address: 747 North Fair Oaks Avenue, Pasadena
For more information, contact: Johanna Campos at jcampos@armoryarts.org
Julia needs help building up the sides of her raised garden beds, which are built out of urbanite set in concrete, to get them ready for spring/summer planting.
Projects: repairing raised urbanite and concrete garden beds / sifting compost / thinning and foliar feeding fruit trees
foliar sprayer, a concrete mixing tray, trowels or spatulas for applying the
concrete (e-mail if you can bring any of these items or drop them off in
advance) / people with experience working with concrete
Time: Sunday March 25th 9:00 am - 2:00 pm with a potluck lunch at 12:00
Address: Los Feliz (90027) Please e-mail laurahenne@gmail.com for the address
HM157 (www.hm157.com), a historic home in Lincoln Heights that hosts art, music and community events like Tuesday night vegan dinners (https://www.facebook.com/TuesdayDinners), has an established front-yard garden with garden beds and a grey-water system.
Projects: removing invasive plants / weeding / trimming and fertilizing roses and fruit trees / amending the soil / planting fruits, veggies and native flowering plants / working on beautifying the median along the street
Needs: spade shovels / wheelbarrow (e-mail if you can bring this or drop it off in advance) / pruning shears
Time: Saturday March 31st 10:00 am - 3:00 pm with a potluck lunch at 1:00
Address: 3110 N. Broadway in Lincoln Heights (90031)
Please do not park at the laundromat next door. Theres plenty of parking on all the surrounding neighborhood streets.
To RSVP or for more information contact: hmonefiftyseven@gmail.com and laurahenne@gmail.com
Website: www.hm157.com
Hope to see you at some of these events!
Laura Henne
Time Bank Garden Group