Home-Buyers Down Payment Assistance Workshop
Tuesday, January 316:00 p.m. FREE*
Dave's Chillin' and Grillin'
2152 Colorado Blvd.
Want to buy a home? NOW is the time to buy.
*Interest rates are LOW
*Home prices are LOW
*Don't have the down payment saved up?
*Now you can get up to $30,000 through a new
City of Los Angeles program,
available to qualified homebuyers.
How can I get more information? Come to this free workshop!
Presented by licensed realtor and local resident
John Acevedo
RSVP to John
(323) 270-7873or Cheryl
(818) 398-4995*The workshop is free; however, please purchase a beverage or sandwich
from Dave's to thank them for providing the meeting space.