Deborah Eden Tull is an incredibly teacher!  Such grace and clarity! 
If you're able, jump on this opportunity!
"There is one, and only one, solution, and we have almost no time to try it. We must turn all our resources to repairing the natural world,and train all our young people to help. They want to.
We need to give them this last chance to create forests, soils, clean waters, clean energies, secure communities,stable regions, and to know how to do it from hands-on experience"
"...the greatest change we need to make is from consumption to production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens. If only 10% of us do this, there is enough for everyone.
Hence the futility of revolutionaries who have no gardens, who depend on the very system they attack, and who produce words and bullets, not food and shelter."

- Bill Mollison

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From: Deborah Eden Tull <>
Sent: Mon, November 7, 2011 8:02:08 AM
Subject: Work Exchange Offer - Weekend Retreat in Malibu

Weekend Retreat 
$60 Discounted Work Exchange Position 
Deborah Eden Tull
Cultivating Mindfulness and Sustainability   

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Zen Meditation at Liberation Yoga
About Deborah Eden Tull
November 6, 2011  



I am offering one work exchange position for the MINDFUL LIVING REVOLUTION Meditation Retreat in Malibu, Saturday December 3- Sunday, December 4. This offering takes $60 off the registration cost and is a perfect opportunity for someone who feels called to be there, does not have the funds, and appreciates the spirit and practice of service. If you are interested, please respond to this email and explain your situation.

Here is the description of the retreat:

Join us for a unique approach to mindfulness and meditation with sustainability coach and former Zen monk Deborah EdenTull designed to help us to


in every context of your life. Consider gifting yourself with this retreat before the buzz of the holiday season arrives.


We live in a world where time is speeding up and everything supports faster, more, better mentality. Our attention is usually outward on doing, becoming, achieving, getting, and the chatter of the conditioned mind. Mindfulness offers a life-changing opportunity to focus our attention on present moment experience and  unplug from the beliefs and assumptions that no longer serve us, including our perceptions of time. Regardless of what pace we're going, regardless of how much is on our plate, we can learn to refine our attention and get present to the grounded compassionate awareness that is always there.

For beginners, this is an opportunity to develop and cultivate a mindfulness practice, the gift of a lifetime. For experienced meditators, this is an opportunity to go deeper. For all, this is an opportunity to align yourself with the effortlessness and ease of living with compassionate awareness as your guide and to gain tools for creating a kinder world inside and out.


This retreat will include:


  • Sitting and Walking Meditation
  •  Awareness exercises, Guided Imagery, and Group Discussion
  •  Personal guidance sessions
  •  Relational Mindfulness
  •  Yoga
  • Plenty of time to "slow down and savor" in a beautiful natural sanctuary
  • Gourment Organic Vegetarian Cuisine


Yoga will be offered by Serge Berliawsky and delicious vegetarian meals will be provided by Large Marge Sustainables.


Register here


Single room - $225

Double room - $200

Group cabin - $175




Check us out on Facebook here.


In Peace and Passion,


Deborah Eden Tull
Cultivating Sustainability from the Inside Out


Find us on Facebook     

Author of The Natural Kitchen: Your Guide to the Sustainable Food Revolution














A Note to Meditators...

Zen Meditation & Mindfulnes class 
meets every Tuesday at 8:00 pm, every Tuesday, $12.
Please join us for sitting meditation, walking meditation, awareness exercises, and a facilitated group discussion. Both beginners and experienced meditators are welcome.


About Deborah Eden Tull

Deborah Eden Tull is a meditation teacher and sustainability consultant and mindfulness teacher who has been traveling to, living in, or teaching about sustainable communities internationally for the last 20 years, including seven years as a monk at the Zen Monastery Peace Center. Her approach to sustainable living is a unique combination of peace and mindfulness that emphasizes the interconnection between personal and planetary well-being. Deborah Eden Tull has been teaching Zen meditation and facilitating spiritual workshops for the past 11 years. She has been a meditator for 18 years and a student of Zen for 14. Her current passion is to practice and teach the integration of mindful living into every aspect of life. Her teaching style is grounded in compassionate awareness, experiential learning, humor, and an unwavering commitment to personal transformation. She is currently deepening her training through UCLA's Mindfulness Awareness Research Center. She also facilitates The Work That Reconnects, which was created by eco-philosopher and activist Joanna Macy.Her book, The Natural Kitchen: Your Guide for the Sustainable Food Revolution (Process Media), was published in September 2010 and her new book on mindfulness will be published in 2012.
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