All admission fees to this event will be donated to Mesa
Harmony Gardens, in honor of the garden's one year anniversary. Please
join us!
$15 garden
supporter/$10general/$5 Students
Fe Bland Auditorium,
SBCC West Campus, 721 Cliff Dr, SB 93109
(no reservations
Join us for this special event, that celebrates the
wonderful collaborative energies of students, institutions, and community
members, to achieve something really innovative, a food forest garden
model that takes a bit of urban space, and creates food abundance by
mimicking natures own perennial polyculture design. We are
extremely fortunate to have author Dave Jacke, one of the premier
authorities on forest gardening in North America, share his knowledge and
wisdom with us all at this evening talk.
More Info:
Contact: Margie Bushman
Coordinator, SBCC Center for Sustainability
(805) 962-2571, email,
SBCC Center for
Sustainability presents:
Edible Forest Gardens with Dave Jacke
Evening Talk
Fundraiser for Mesa Harmony Garden
Monday, Oct 10, 7:30-9 pm 2011
Santa Barbara City
College, West Campus, Fe Bland Auditorium
$15 garden supporter/$10general/$5 Students
oin the SBCC Center for Sustainability as it hosts a
Fundraiser for Mesa Harmony Garden on Monday, October 10, 7:30-
9pm, with special guest Dave Jacke, author of "Edible Forest
Healthy forests maintain, fertilize, and renew themselves,
naturally. Wouldn't you like to grow an abundant food-producing
ecosystem like this in your back yard? You can!
Edible forest gardens mimic the structure and function of natural forests
through all their stages of development and grow food, fuel, fiber,
fodder, fertilizers, and fun. They can meet our own needs and
regenerate healthy ecosystems at the same time.
Dave Jacke's talk introduces the vision of forest gardening, including
scientific background, a few living examples, and a sampling of perennial
edibles you can use in your own garden. Jacke will also touch on
ecological principles that lie at the core of forest garden design, and
apply equally well to how we might design human social systems.
Jacke is the primary author of the award winning two-volume book
Edible Forest Gardens. He has studied ecology and design
since the 1970s, and has run his own design firm Dynamics Ecological
Design, since 1984. An engaging and passionate teacher of ecological
design and permaculture, Dave has designed, built, and planted
landscapes, homes, farms, and communities in many parts of the United
States, as well as overseas. He is a co-founder of Land Trust at
Gap Mountain in Jaffrey, NH, and holds a B.A. in Environmental Studies
from Simon’s Rock College and a M.A. in Landscape Design from the Conway
School of Landscape Design. -
Harmony Garden is a food forest in the making, started by a group of
students in the Projects in Sustainability class at Santa
Barbara City College, who wanted to see a community garden on the
Mesa. Located and supported enthusiastically by Holy Cross Catholic
Church who leased the land to the group, the project engages members of
the business community, church parishioners, student volunteers and
neighbors. In addition to teaching sustainable living, it has an
intent to ultimately provide food for the needy with the Santa Barbara
Food Bank's Backyard Bounty program. Along with many other food
producing plants, over 100 trees have been planted so far, 300 are
planned, with the local permaculture community providing knowledge and
food forest expertise.
Mesa Harmony Garden celebrates its one year anniversary, October,
- Honored at the evening program will be those whose efforts have
made Mesa Harmony Garden a reality:
- Jan Cross, who with other SBCC Projects in Sustainability class
members conceptualized and initiated the food forest garden project
- Adam Green, Director of the Center for Sustainability and instructor
for the Projects in Sustainability class
- Father Ludo DeClippel, Pastor, Holy Cross Church
- Randy Saake, Holy Cross Church Deacon, and Treasurer, Mesa Harmony
- Josh Kane, Mesa business community member, President, Mesa Harmony
- Hugh Kelly Vice President, Mesa Harmony Garden
- Larry Saltzman, food forest expert & advisor, implemented
permaculture design for the garden
- Loren Luyendyk, permaculture designer, swales and berm system
implementation & design
- Jon Pearl, practical support & expertise and gift of plants
- Doug Hagensen, program manager for the Santa Barbara County Backyard
Bounty Program
- special thanks to Alice San Andres-Calleja, The Mesa
Paper editor and publisher, for enthusiastic support and
promotion of Mesa Harmony Gardens from its inception...
Members of the Mesa Harmony Garden will be available to answer
questions about their evolving food forest in the courtyard before the
talk begins.
The event takes place on Monday, October 10, 7:30 - 9pm, at the
Fe Bland Auditorium, SBCC West Campus, 721 Cliff Dr, SB 93109.
Admission $15 special garden supporter/$10 general/$5 students, no
reservations required. The event is sponsored by the SBCC
Center for Sustainability.
More Info:
Mesa Harmony Garden
Dave Jacke/Edible Forest Gardens
Workshop at the LA Arboretum
Gardening Like the Forest: Steps To Ecological Gardening
October 8th & 9th, 2011
Los Angeles Arboretum & Botanic Garden
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