
I am writing about the West Coast Women's Permaculture Gathering this May in CA.� It is shaping up to be an amazing event.��

I am hoping that all of you would be willing to send an announcement out to your networks promoting the event.� Any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated!

If you would like to volunteer, donate finances, services or materials and for business sponsorship opportunities please contact Camille Cimino: <camillecimino@gmail.com>

Wishing you well,�

Joan, Camille, Kat, and Melora

West Coast Women's Permaculture Gathering in Cazadero, CA May 20-22

Greetings Powerful Permie Women-

Registration is open for the next West Coast Women's Permaculture Gathering: Sowing the Seeds of Women�s Leadership and Growing a Revolutionary Paradigm.�

The themes include Women's Leadership, Social Permaculture and Self-Care.�

To�register�use the following link:http://womenspermaculture.eventbrite.com/

To learn more about the event please visit our website at�<http://www.westcoastwomenspc.weebly.com>�

It will happen May 20-22, 2011 in Cazadero CA at the Black Mountain Preserve and Retreat Center�http://www.blackmountaincenter.com/.��

Below is our amazing list of speakers:

Nina Simons�(Moonrise, Bioneers & Cultivating Women�s Leadership),�
Starhawk�(The Last Wild Witch�& Earth Activist Training),�
Jude Hobbs�(Cascadia Permaculture Institute & PI USA),�
Kat Steele�(Urban Permaculture Guild & Esalen Institute),�
Jenny Pell�(Community by Design & Permaculture Now!),�
Carla Perez�(Movement Generation & Permaculture for the People),�
Pandora Thomas�(Grind for the Green & Earth Seed),�
Deborah Eden Tull�(The Natural Kitchen:�
Your Guide to the Sustainable Food Revolution),
Rachael Kaplan�
(Urban Homesteading)


Also Rebecca Newburn of Richmond Rivets will coordinate a seed swap and�
Kari Stettler & Rebecca Strong will offer�Soul Motion~Somatic Permaculture/Movement as Medicine!�

There will be room for all to speak and share ideas and projects through an Open Space format, so come ready to share and participate.

We will update our website with other important details as they become available. �

The site is a breathtaking space surrounded by nature. The weekend will be full of strong, powerful, committed women who share a vocabulary about planetary consciousness that sets us apart. �This weekend will juice you up, connect you to other extraordinary women, and inspire you to continue to create the world we all know is possible! ��

We are creating a weekend of connecting, inspiring, playing and conjuring with other women dedicated to a vision of the world where resources are precious, relationships are priority, and beauty abounds! �Spreading what's possible by implementing permaculture designs and principles throughout our lives. �We will share what's happening in the various cities we live. �We will inspire each other with the great projects we are spear-heading. �We will support and offer resources and guidance to each other throughout the weekend.

The first gathering was amazing. This one is sure to be equally incredible. �A bunch of permaculture minded rock star women all together for the weekend!� Beautiful!!

We've tried to make it as affordable as possible while still covering expenses. �Tickets prices range from $175-$350 depending on accommodations and income. �Please pay at the highest level you can afford. �This helps us offer work trade options and makes the future of this gathering sustainable and not subsidized!�

We are delighted to be creating this gathering and are looking forward to sharing it with YOU!�

Please spread the word! Please forgive cross posts.

Thank you for what you do!

Joan, Camille, Kat, and Melora

Camille Cimino
"The Nature of Things"
(213) 924-5238