North East Los Angeles Transition presents...

Shift Your Consciousness, Shift The World
Saturday, April 9th, 6:00 PM

Dr. Ling O'Connor, professor of Environmental Science at Pasadena City College 

Presented by NELA Transition 

Free Event

Despite decades of environmental movement and government regulations, the integrity of the ecological systems that support our lives continue to decline.

Come and explore the possibility that it is a new consciousness that is required for the building of a sustainable society.

The discussion will begin with a presentation on reality from the perspective of modern science and how this new view of the world can birth a new consciousness that will lead to a sustainable future.

6:00 PM - Potluck - bring enough for six servings
7:00 PM - Talk by Ling O'Connor
8:00 PM - Discussion

Throop Church
300 S Los Robles Ave
Pasadena, CA 91101

NELA Transition is a community group working on positive changes in our community as we face global warming, peak oil and economic decline. We share our skills working on projects which increase our local resilience and strengthen community connections. Our members are located in the Los Angeles neighborhoods including Pasadena, Altadena, Highland Park and Eagle Rock.