Not invovled, but here's what I received (from another list):

Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) Course at The Arboretum, 301 North Baldwin Ave., Arcadia, CA 91007
8 Saturdays (May 8-June 26) and 1 Sunday (June 27)

Caitlin Bergman, Instructor-with special guest lecturers

COURSE FEE: $200 non-refundable deposit -due by May 3rd - holds your place, and will be deducted from the $1200 tuition.
Be sure to sign up early as course is limited to 30 registrants.
To register, please call 626.821.4624, or you may email

Permaculture is sustainable land use design based on ecologically sound principles. Its aim is harmonizing habitats and inhabitants, creating richly productive food systems. Permaculture is an eye-opening set of principles and concepts that make a tremendous impact on communities. This experiential course is a practical, project-oriented, support training. It moves beyond theory to hands-on applications. Participants will become certified permaculture designers upon successful completion of the 72-hour course.

More than a gardening program, this lively course covers:

. Habitat restoration

. Rapid soil rebuilding

. Thriving food production

. Rain and grey water use

. Community integration

. Earthworks

. Sustainability

. Urban food forestry

. Recognizing landscape patterns

WHO SHOULD ENROLL: Those interested in sustainable, solution-based design.

WHY: This course is fun and applicable to real world experience, giving
participants a solid foundation in permaculture design. Our work changes
lives as it changes the Earth. An environment of support and unity between
classmates is fostered, which will enable collaboration in design projects
and a strong network of fellow designers. The subjects to be covered have
the potential to generate green jobs and abundance of all kinds.

Caitlin Bergman, The Arboretum's resident permaculturist and
horticulturalist, studied botany at the University of Hawaii where she was
the recipient of top Department honors. She received certification in
teaching permaculture through Bill Mollison's Permaculture Institute. She
has additional teacher-training from her mentor, author Dave Jacke (Edible
Forest Gardens, winner of the Outstanding Academic Title Award). Caitlin
has trained internationally, and her travels have included the home of
permaculture, Australia, where she studied with Keyline Design expert Darren
Daugherty. Caitlin has now taught a variety of courses and hands-on
workshops and has developed a strong following of gardeners. Her teaching
merges a strong connection to the natural world in various temperate zones.

Caitlin's enthusiasm is inspiring and inclusive. Coupled with her teaching
background, leadership skills, and holistic design, her classes affect
students deeply. She is committed to empowering those students by seeding
them with experiential and theoretical tools. This enables her students to
make a positive impact on their communities as well as fostering a sense of
unity, kind cooperation, and mutual support. For more information visit: <> or email

Be sure to attend the LA Garden Show on May 31, May 1 & May 2 (free for
members, and free with Arboretum admission for non-members), where Caitlin
will be speaking about Permaculture and The Arboretum's Permasphere on
Saturday, May 1 at 2pm.

Jill Berry, Program Manager
Los Angeles County Arboretum & Botanic Garden
301 North Baldwin Ave.
Arcadia, CA 91007-2697
Phone: 626.821.4624
Fax: 626.821.4642
On Thursday, April 29, 2010, at 12:52PM, "Joan Stevens" <> wrote:
>Lapg mailing list
Rumor has it there is a debut of a permaculture installation at the LA Garden Show at the Arboretum this weekend.  I'm not involved, only hearing about it peripherally so any questions ought to be posed to google.
Apparently, they are also putting on a permaculture design course.
If any of you on the list are involved it would be great to include the community in your promotions!  That's how we keep the commun(ity) in commun (ication)!
"...the greatest change we need to make is from consumption to production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens. If only 10% of us do this, there is enough for everyone.
Hence the futility of revolutionaries who have no gardens, who depend on the very system they attack, and who produce words and bullets, not food and shelter."

- Bill Mollison