If you have the time this looks like it could be fun.
"...the greatest change we need to make is from consumption to production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens. If only 10% of us do this, there is enough for everyone.
Hence the futility of revolutionaries who have no gardens, who depend on the very system they attack, and who produce words and bullets, not food and shelter."

- Bill Mollison

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Yvonne Savio <ydsavio@ucdavis.edu>
To: 08-09 Work <ydsavio@ucdavis.edu>
Sent: Wed, December 16, 2009 11:03:58 AM
Subject: Part-time job: garden teacher: Benjamin Franklin School Garden, Glendale

Hi, All –


See below my signature info.


If you’re interested, contact Judy Reilly Brousseau or Mike Budzik directly.


Ciao for now.


Yvonne Savio

Common Ground Garden Program Manager

University of California Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County

PO Box 22255

4800 E. Cesar E. Chavez Avenue

Los Angeles CA 90022

Phone:   323-260-3407

Fax:       323-881-0067

Email:    ydsavio@ucdavis.edu

Website: http://celosangeles.ucdavis.edu/Common_Ground_Garden_Program/

Master Gardener Email Gardening helpline:  mglosangeleshelpline@ucdavis.edu

Master Gardener Phone Gardening helpline:  323-260-3238


Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/YvonneSavio?ref=profile#/pages/Common-Ground-Garden-Program-UC-Cooperative-Extension-Los-Angeles-County/124160624772?ref=mf


Facebook:  www.facebook.com/YvonneSavio


2007 Lifetime Achievement Award, Los Angeles Community Garden Council

2007 Certificate of Commendation, Los Angeles Unified School District

2006 Certificate of Appreciation, City of Los Angeles

2004 "Feeding the Hungry" Garden Crusader Award, Gardener's Supply Company


Since 1978, the Common Ground Garden program has helped Los Angeles County residents to garden, grow their own food, and healthfully prepare it.  Our targeted audience and priority are to serve limited-resource residents and those traditionally underrepresented.  By training community volunteers, we empower neighborhoods to create their own solutions.  Our Master Gardener volunteers work primarily with community gardens, school gardens, seniors, and homeless and battered women's shelters.


In 2008, 181 Master Gardeners volunteered 9,272 hours serving 87,376 low-income gardeners in Los Angeles County at 28 community gardens, 46 school gardens, 15 shelter gardens, 5 senior gardens, and 13 fairs and farmers markets.

Day and Date: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays, weekly beginning Jan 19th, 2010

Time: Tues 1:25 through 3:45PM; Wednesday 1:25 through 2:25PM and Thursday 1:10 through 2:10PM

Activity Name: teaching Elementary kids in a curriculum based Organic Vegetable and Native School Garden

Sponsoring Group: Benjamin Franklin Elementary Foundation

Location Address: 1610 Lake Ave , Glendale

Help requested:  This is a compensated position, but we’re not sure how much yet, dependent on fundraising.  We plan to have Kindergarten classes three days a week, for one hour each.  We also plan on having once a week classes, slightly longer than an hour, for one group of kids 1st to 3rd grade and another group of kids 4th to 6th grade, so the applicant should be comfortable and excited regarding teaching to these age groups.  The successful applicant should be well versed in making gardens fun for kids.  We have a wealth of resources in lesson ideas to keep it very active and kid involved, but some fleshing out is needed to create thought out lesson plans.  We are also open to new lesson plans, provided we can make them apply to the CA State Standards.  (pretty easy to do).  The applicant will be assisted by parent volunteers, but we do hope it gets messy and the kids really do a lot of the "work", so they feel they own the garden and really learn about science and math as well as language arts and social skills.  We aren't product-based in the plantings so much as process-based, so we are looking for an adventurous soul who can lead the kids and harness their enthusiasm and help instill in them the excitement, adventure and responsibility that is a garden.

Contact: Judy Reilly Brousseau or Mike Budzik
Contact email: judy@hyperimage.net or spyfilms@earthlink.net