I just went to a lecture on Jack Rabbit Homesteads. These are the 5 acre parcels San bernardino gave to people just for building a small cottage.
If nothing else they are very interesting to photograph. There are also a bunch of whacky characters associated with them and this area.


You can find property owner info on the san bernardino PIMS. You have to go to the office to get addresses.
I wanted to put solar panels on these because they have utilities nearby. Unfortunately, I would have to use the Merchant Generator program where the power company
would buy electricity from me for only 7 cents /  kwh. I cant do it for that.
So Cal Ed tells me that the net metering program will be required to buy power from residents that is leftover after a 12 month period in 2011. I assume this will be at the wholesale rate.
Currently, you can only subtract electricity generated by your panels from your currrent bill. You cant sell more than you use.
Solar panel technolgy has reached a plateau. The price should come down substantially. As usual China has beat us to the punch in this area. We spend our money on war and oil
instead of R and D.

I just want to defend ACORN. They helped me get a house and made sure I could afford it.
Programs are needed for lo income people because banks only want to loan money to large corporations that are too big to fail.
If we did not bail out large concerns banks would have to take risks to earn higher interest rates in order to pay rates that encourage depositors.
I'm sorry but the days of parking your money in a high interest account are gone. If you want to earn high interest you have to take risks.
There is a propaganda book called, "Good to Great" that claims to describe how some companies become great.
Almost every company cited in that book made money from war or other unfair business practices.
