I am trying to finish my watts project. The home depot guy told me in certain cases you can do repairs to a dilapidated property and charge the owner
three times the cost. As soon as I get a chance I will write Janice Hahn and circulate a petition around the neighborhood.
I just talked to one of the gang members that hang out accros the street from me. According to him They offered the bank 70 k  for the dilapidated house accross from both of us. it has been auctioned twice but the bank wont sell it for less than 100k. It has gotten to the point where how do I say this if it does not get sold to the neighbors it will always need repairs if you get my drift.
It is only fair that people from the neighborhood get first crack at this house. It must have been bought by a speculaor hnd he should have sold it at the peak of the market. It is bringing down the property values for the whole area.
many of these people owned these houses since the 30's and have lost them because of bank created economics.
Does anyone have info on adverse possesion.
Maybe permapeople or city repair people can start a business similar to homeboy industries around this idea.