Hey csa people. the san fernando valley has a large population of appartment buildings. many were based on the garden apt style of the 50s. Most of them have carports in the back. my friends and I used to hop from carport to carport when we'd cut school. since they are built in the 50's the have 8" rafters holding up the roofs. These would easily hold a roof garden. Most of them just reflect sunlight all day creating a heat island effect. you'd have to come up with some sort of waver for water leaking on cars but that would not hurt a car much.
also, I am thinking of asking the city councils to pay to mulch all the open fields down here. I could hook up a chipper to a truck and chip all the old furniure and trash. This would not be organic of course but there are so many brown fields down here anyway organic something that will come as it is developed.