Heart Beet Gardening has been working on setting up an URBAN CSA in Los Angeles
for the past several months--and we are thrilled to announce that our first CSA
garden has been completed--and we have plans for at least three more--all within
2 miles of each other!

Get involved with a Neighborhood CSA in Mid-Wilshire! We have planted our very
first CSA garden, and will holding another workshop Saturday April 25th.

Saturday April 25th learn how to transform a lawn into a beautiful and
productive food garden in just one day. Starting at 11:00 we will learn about
sheet mulching, soil needs, and planting vegetables—all 100% hands-on! Cost is
$20, but knowledge is priceless!
Meet at 11:00. We expect to work (and play!) until 4:00.
RSVP to sara@heartbeetgardening.com by April 20th.

What is an Urban CSA? Our Neighborhood CSA is modeled on traditional CSAs, with
a few urban twists. At its core a CSA is a farm that is supported by consumers
who commit a certain amount of money in return for a regular (often weekly)
basket of food grown by "their" farm. These consumers are also called
"subscribers" and have the added benefits of knowing their farmer, being able to
visit the place their food is grown and can help work and harvest on that farm.
CSAs are one way of reconnecting people with their food. In our case the farm
site is scattered between five different front and backyards in the Larchmont
Area of Los Angeles.

Join Heart Beet As A Subscriber
we still have space for  subsribers this summer

A subscriber to the Heart Beet CSA gets to pick up a basket of uber-local more than organic produce starting in mid-June. read the FAQs below to find out more!

·    How do I pay as a subscriber? Confirm as a subscriber with a $100 deposit by May 1.  Then,  $100 a month for the summer season, assuming $25 per box per week.  Your last month as a subscriber is covered by your deposit. Checks to made out to: Heart Beet Gardening. Please send to 1101 Palms Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90291.

·    When will I get my first basket? We expect to be harvesting in mid-June. We'll give you a two week heads-up.

·    How do I get my basket? We haven't yet chosen a spot for pick-up, however it will be in the neighborhood-either at one of the farm sites, or the home of a subscriber (if you're interested in being that person, let us know!)

·    What will be in my basket? Each week you'll get a variety of seasonal veggies. In the summer  you can expect a couple of tomatoes, lettuce (a head, or leaf) , bell peppers, basil, other herbs, a recipe and occasionally cut flowers.

As always you can call us at 310-460-9365, or email at info@heartbeetgardening.com

**we have limited space for this trial run of our CSA, but we're not full yet-so tell your friendly neighbors!**

Who are we? Heart Beet Gardening designs, builds and maintains organic vegetable
gardens and edible landscapes in Los Angeles. We are an energetic group of
young women committed to urban agriculture and promoting food security in our
home town of Los Angeles. The Heart Beet CSA is a new project, and is being
launched as you read this. Check out our website http://www.heartbeetgardening.com, and get involved!

can you feel the beet?