Free land for organic gardening (Silverlake/Echo Park)

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Date: 2009-03-06, 5:09PM PST

Do you wish you had land to grow your own food? You know all the benefits:
better, healthier produce, cost effectiveness, sustainability/environmental,
local, being a part of the ecosystem rather than blind consumption.

I live in Echo Park and have some land for us to put down organic gardens.
I'm looking to tear out both the front and back lawn to replace with
vegetable and herb gardens. I'm a single person who tends to be out of town
too often but loves the idea of using my land for food. I'm looking for a
small group of like minded people with green thumbs and willing to put in
some time to reap nature's rewards.

I provide the land, water. We create the garden together. You help build and
maintain. We can start a small 3-5 people CSA. I can divide the land up or
we all grow it together. You can even sell to the local farmer's market or
sell it back to me to use in my catering gigs. I'm just thinking aloud --
just interested in using this land wisely and looking for Slow Foodies or
others of like mind to help. If you know of organizations or individuals
that may be interested, please let me know. Email with questions/ideas. I
look forward to working together to make our community greener and more