Westside Permaculture Gatherings
Change is in the Air
On Tuesday, Novemeber 4th, we have all witnessed history, electing our nation's first African-American President, Barack Obama. The 8 Years of Bush are finally coming to a close and with it comes change.
However, just because the election is over and we have Obama as our next president does not mean we can relax and think all will be well. In order for the change to come about that Obama is speaking of, it is going to take hard work and vigilance on our part. The best way to enact change is to get involved locally.
Get together with your neighbors and plant a garden, volunteer at your local homeless shelter, or better yet, get together with the people at the homelesss shelter and build a garden. That is exactly what will be happening this weekend.
Think about sharing some of your free time in selfless service to others, you'll be that much better for it and our communities will make that change for the better.
Can you volunteer 10 hours of your time each month to help out your neighbor? Most likely, so get out there and do it. That's all it takes.
Change begins with us, Obama is just there to help, so lets make it happen.
Garden Party at the LA Family Housing Community
This Saturday, November 8th at 10 am we will be
planting the garden at an LA Family Housing community. This is a
temporary (3-4 month) apartment complex for homeless families
transitioning from the streets to permanent housing. The garden will
support this community.
If you are interested in helping with the Permaculture
design process, we will be meeting on site this Thursday at 4pm to
formulate the plan.
Address: Comunidad Cesar Chavez 209 N Breed St Boyle Heights, CA 90033 Also, if you have any connection to the following resources they would be greatly appreciated: plants, seeds, mulch, tools, gloves, compost. I can supply a letter stating their non-profit status for any donations. Please contact Kat James at 323-708-8095 or katjames711@yahoo.com with any questions or suggestions for garnering resources.
Greening from Within
Presented by the Santa Monica Coop, GFW teaches you how to do something for yourself while simultaneously greening the planet!
Part 1 - Inner & Outer SOIL Mon, Nov 10
is the beginning of all life and its quality determines vitality &
endurance. Enhance your life and the planet as you tend to your inner
and outer landscape.
Location: Sha'arei Am - The Santa Monica Synagogue 1448 18th St., Santa Monica, CA 90404 - NW corner of 18th St & Broadway (Enter through parking lot in the back)
When: 7 - 8:30 PM, 2nd Mondays Oct - Dec
Admission: Free and Open to the Public
Info: www.shalaom.com / www.astriddesignstudio.com
How Are We Doing? Like what you see? Want to see more? Have a workshop proposal that you would like to lead for the community? Whatever it is, share it, we're all ears. Send an email to westsidepermies@gmail.com to share what's on your mind.
Break out those checkbooks and donate today!