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Time Banking Workshop

This Sunday, there will be a time banking workshop in Echo Park from 5:30pm - 7:30pm.  It is not exactly on the Westside, but it would be nice to have some representatives  bring back to us what they learn and be part of a committee to form a Time Bank program here.

For every hour you spend doing something for someone in your community, you earn one Time Dollar. Then you have a Time Dollar to spend on having someone do something for you. It's that simple. Yet it also has profound effects. Time Banks change neighborhoods and whole communities. Time Banking is a social change movement in 22 countries and six continents. 

Read an article about the group hosting the Time Banking workshop from the LA Times

Email to set up carpools with your fellow westsiders.

The Echo Park Film Center
1200 N. Alvarado St. (at Sunset Blvd)
Los Angeles, CA 90026

Food from the Permie Festival
I wanted to once again put out a special thank you to everyone who shared their food at the Permaculture Festival.  Food is always the center of community.  A few people worked extra hard to make sure there would be enough,  Taylor Burton, Ramona Merryman & Joey Soto all went the extra mile.  If you see them be sure to thank them and if your in the market for some healthy cooking from Farm to Fork, contact Joey Soto for your catering needs at
Thoughts on the Film?
Did you go to last Thursday screening of "The Power of Community" at the Santa Monica Main library.  What were your thoughts, inspirations, ideas.  Share your stories and we'll post them here.  Send an email to
How Are We Doing?
Like what you see?  Want to see more?  Have a workshop proposal that you would like to lead for the community?  Whatever it is, share it, we're all ears.  Send an email to to share what's on your mind.
Sat, September 17th
In This Issue
Food From the Permie Fest
Time Banking Workshop
Thoughts on the Film
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