Just want to remind you all that Brad Lancaster author of "Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond" will be coming to the Santa Monica Main Library to share with us his years of knowledge with Rainwater Harvesting techniques. In our current state of drought, the information that Brad has to share could not come at a better time. Come out and learn how simple changes that you can make will transform barren landscapes into beautiful abundance, all with very little to no water being used from the DWP. Not only will you learn how to create lush Oasis' but you will also help minimize storm water from entering our oceans, keeping our beaches cleaner in the process. The event promises to be full of fun, community, and best of all, real life knowledge to help you minimize your impact on this earth.
The tiny community of Ojai recently had over 200 people come out to show their support for Brad, can we do the same? I think so. So see you all tomorrow night at the Santa Monica Main Library at 7pm. 601 Santa Monica Blvd in the Multi-purpose Room on the Second floor. Be there or be square.
POTLUCK will begin at 6pm. In the spirit of abundance, let's all bring a little something to share with our friends and neighbors so that everyone will know that change can be FUN!!! PLEASE Bring a copy of Brad's Book, "Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands & Beyond v1 or v2" and we can get Brad to do a book signing after the event.
Have a great day!!
Westside Permaculture Gatherings