This year the Esalen Institute is offering a series of Permaculture
Trainings, from a 5-day Begining intro course, to a Two-Month Residental
PDC in May and June, as well as a Teacher Training course in November. As
well they are offering a number of workshops in the realms of personal
and ecological sustainability, see for more info as well
as the below discriptions.....
Please fwd on to anyone you might know who would be intrested and hope to
see some of you there
Introduction to Permaculture Design Solutions and Practices
February 24th - 29th, 2008
Esalen Institute, Big Sur, Ca
this will be a amazing and dynamic course.
*can be taken as a re-cert in Permaculture Design; recommended every 3
Today we are witnessing unprecedented shifts both environmentally and
Does an individual have any control at all over the climatic and cultural
that are shaping our world today? This workshop will explore the design
and strategies of Permaculture, a holistic approach that gives you
practical tools
for being apart of the solution. Permaculture teaches how to design
human systems that follow the natural patterns and wisdom of
indigenous ways�energy-efficient methods to integrate food, water
shelter, and landscape to enhance the environment and create a fully
sustainable system.
Permaculture designers and educators and Benjamin Fahrer,
Kat Steele and Mia Rose Maltz will facilitate this dynamic course
That will cover a wide variety of solution-based topics,
� Permaculture site application ~ Home-scale to Village
� Effectively reading the ecological and social
� Water harvesting, greywater and drought-proofing
� Intentional localized community development &
eco-village design
� Hands-on Soil building and restoration
� Alliances with fungi ~ myco-restoration and gardening
� Land stewardship and property management
� Planning and designing for our future social and
climatic changes
� Food foresting and perennial polyculture
This seminar is open to anyone wanting to help create a more just,
and sustainable future. It is time that we start taking full
responsibility for our
actions�for ourselves, our children, and the seven generations to come.
Join us
for this Amazing educational experience!
Seminar Fees: $850-$1120.
Depending on accommodations.
Two-Month Residential Work Scholar Program
May 4th �June 29th, 2008
more info visit
Benjamin Fahrer will facilitate this powerful andtransformative journey
along with an dozen of California�s premier Permaculture teachers,
including Kat Steele, Brock Dolman, Mia Rose-Maltz, Erik Ohlsen,
Starhawk, Dave Henson, Trathen Heckman, Adam Wolpert, Kate Lundquist and
other special guests. The learned skills include a base understanding of
design and development principles involved with small and large-scale
Successful completion of the two months of study, you will be considered
a graduate of the Permaculture Design Course (PDC). This course is
certified through the Permaculture Research Institute of Australia. As a
graduate, you will possess the skills to design, consult and teach
Permaculture anywhere in the world. No previous experience is necessary,
only the desire to Be the change you wish to see in the world.
For an application and more information contact Esalen, email or call
Work Scholars perform 32 hrs workweeks and receive over 90 hrs of
instruction, residence at Esalen which includes all meals and
Cost is $1095 per month
Permaculture Design Teacher Training
Innovation in Experiential Education
Nov-Dec 2007 TBA
Permaculture is a design system for creating sustainable and regenerative
human environments. This Permaculture Teacher's course is a revolutionary
new way of teaching these solution based eco-social design concepts by
applying the principles of Permaculture to the teaching of Permaculture.
These techniques can be applied by any teacher in any field. This Course
will cover every aspect of being a dynamic, effective educator and
promoter of a more sustainable and just future.
Be empowered and learn:
� Diverse teaching
methods that work
� Cultivating new
� Course planning,
marketing, and evaluation
� Elements for
whole-person learning & learning styles
� Building
confidence through practice and supportive critique
� Techniques to
help you prepare quickly and organize thoroughly
� Teaching
Permaculture techniques, strategies, and materials
This course offers powerful teaching techniques gleaned from years of
Permaculture teaching-wisdom from the instructors' Kat Steele and
Benjamin Fahrer. Their own experience as well as that of renowned
Permaculture teachers and mentors from around the globe makes this one of
the most comprehensive Teacher Training available today.
Benjamin Fahrer
Permaculture First Responder
Program Director