I'm working with the Los Angeles Permaculture Guild, putting together a monthly newsletter. Here's the 1st one. Subscriptions/submissions welcome.
February 2007  

Welcome to the first issue of the Los Angeles Permaculture Guild's monthly newsletter. There is a growing community of permaculture friendly folks in our fair city. Some of us want to collaborate, brainstorm, share resources, or hang out with each other - but connecting in this vast geographic area can be tough. So the goal here is to provide an avenue for communication and connection. See the categories below and please send me your needs, resources, surpluses etc. I will send this out as close to the first of each month as I can. I hope it will enable like-minded people to find each other and begin transforming LA into a sustainable human habitat.

Jennifer Murphy

Feel free to repost this newsletter where appropriate

Looking for property? You need a housemate, a ride to San Diego, a source of cheap gravel....? Put it here.

- Back room/studio with fireplace in Altadena, available 3/1/07, $550/month, utilities and parking included. Shared swimming pool, yard space, kitchen and partial use of main home. Evolving permaculture/co-housing scene with green building remodeling slated for future. Near park, mountain hiking trails & nature and just 20 minutes down the 2 to downtown LA. Call Marialyce at 626/797-9110 for more info.

You want help sheet mulching your yard? Building a cob oven, busting concrete, planting trees, ...? Put out the call here. Please be specific about dates and times and locations.

- Adopt the Wash! Permaculture students are designing and initiating a community garden next to the Tujunga Wash (between Burbank and Chandler). Resources and energy needed. Contact Bruce Woodside at warnwood@mac.com

You've got 400 empty barrels, ducklings for sale, a pile of plywood, great TJs dumpster pickings...? Put it here and share the wealth (giveaway, barter or sell)  

- Odds and ends of a veggie oil fuel system - I sold my diesels but still have a bunch of 5 gallon containers, some have waste veg, some are empty.  I have a strainer, and a variety of other bits and pieces of my system available.  Free to good home! Joan mamabotanica@sbcglobal.net

goods and services of interest to the community.. let us know about helpful sources you've found

- Compost - Tim Dundon 626-794-1351 theroyalsoil@2doo.com www.2doo.com Tim is the King of Compost. He will deliver a huge dumptruck of horse manure and sawdust for 80.00 to your hungry soil. He might offer you some sage philosophy for free while he's at it.  

- Pets with Fez (5123 1/2 York Bl. Highland Park) is an AMAZING source of cool gifts and collectibles.  It is a bazaar of the bizarre and it's worth the trip just to chat with Baba and Nanette for a couple minutes. 323-478-1969 (from Joan Stevens)  

- Cob-a-nation with Ray Cirino! Ray is THE guy for cob in Los Angeles. His beautiful ovens, benches and other structures can be seen at LA Eco-Village, Path to Freedom and many private residences around the city. He also builds rocket stoves and welds amazing trellises. Hire him to lead a workshop or build something for you. email cobanation@yahoo.com

courses, workshops, booksignings, field trips... put them here

Sat. Feb. 3, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm & Sun. Feb. 4, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm - 
EcoUrbanism & the Future of Sustainability With Larry Santoyo, Greg Reitz and Traci Spencer. Creating the Conditions for Sustainability to Happen... Neighborhood Self-Reliance, Relocalizing Food, EcoVillages & CoHousing, Eco-Economics, Solutions for Peak Oil/Energy Descent. Part of an ongoing Permaculture Design Certificate Course.
$90 -day $175 -weekend. In Culver City. RSVP for details ecourbanism@earthflow.com

Sat. Feb 3, 7 pm (potluck first at 6:00 ish)-
Kat Steele presents the Global Climate Project. Permaculture teacher and founder of the Urban Permaculture Guild, Kat is among the 1,000 participants trained by Al Gore's Climate Change Project to expand public awareness of global climate change. Further develop your own expertise as a communicator, able to more clearly discuss the facts. 117 Bimini Pl, LA 90004, RSVP to 213/738-1254 or crsp@igc.org  www.laecovillage.org 

Sat. Feb. 10, 11:00 am -
Adonijah Miyamura will give a tour of his Crenshaw High School campus food forest. If you haven't seen his 1 acre food forest, it is a treat.  It is winter, so it isn't going to be in peak production, but hearing him speak about it is definitely worth the trip, plus you might get to taste some of his delicious persimmons, bananas or wild celery. 5010 11th Ave. (the forest is located on the 8th Ave side of the school) Contact Cory cory8570@yahoo.com

Through Feb. 15, open 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM daily -
Materials & Applications' open-air interactive installation "Bubbles". This site-specific installation is a tactile, responsive environment testing the durability of selected interactive strategies. 1619 Silver Lake Blvd. in Silverlake. Contact Jenna at 323.913.0915 or www.emanate.org  

Fri. February 16, 7:30 pm -
Ron Milam gives a slide show & talk on his Pacific Coast Sustainability Bike Tour. 117 Bimini Pl, LA 90004, RSVP to 213/738-1254 or crsp@igc.orgwww.laecovillage.org  

Sat. Feb 24, 7 pm (potluck first at 6:00 ish) -
Video:  The Power of Community - The story of Cuba's transformation to near independence of oil. Faced with oil withdrawal at the collapse of the Soviet Union, the people of Cuba have transformed their nation to more than 80% energy independence.  Using innovative community action, permaculture, and determination, today the island nation stands as a model for the world as we all face peak oil. 117 Bimini Pl, LA 90004, RSVP to 213/738-1254 or crsp@igc.orgwww.laecovillage.org  

upcoming Permaculture Design Course May 14 - 27th -
Quail Springs Permaculture Farm and Learning Oasis in the Cuyama Valley of Southern California near Santa Barbara CA. Instructor: Geoff and Nadia Lawton. $1350 for full payment received by January 31, and $1450 for payment after February 1 (camping and meals included). Sponsored by: Quail Springs Permaculture Farm. Contact: P.O. Box 417, New Cuyama, California 95254, (805) 886-7239, info@quailsprings.org

Los Angeles:
- LA EcoVillage: Lois Arkin crsp@igc.org 213/738-1254
- LA Permaculture Guild: Joan Stevens 323-630-4673 mamabotanica@sbcglobal.net .
Points north:
- Ojai Permaculture Guild: Dave White david@ojaicra.org 805-646-9809
- Santa Barbara Permaculture Network: Margie Bushman sbpcnet@silcom.com 805-962-2571 www.sbpermaculture.org
Points south:
- PC Institute of Southern California (Laguna Beach): Bill Roley DrRoley@cox.net 949-494-5843
- San Diego Permaculture Center: San Diego Economic Conversion Council sdecc@igc.org (619) 298-8879  

- Los Angeles Permaculture Guild e-list  https://www.arashi.com/mailman/listinfo.cgi/lapg
- Southern CA Permaculture Guild e-list https://www.arashi.com/mailman/listinfo.cgi/scpg
- LACity Repair e-list http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/cityrepairla
- Los Angeles Permaculture Guild on Tribe http://lapcguild.tribe.net 

Permaculture Activist Magazine www.permacultureactivist.net
Permaculture Credit Union www.pcuonline.org
Hopedance Magazine www.hopedance.org
Urban Permaculture Guild http://www.urbanpermacultureguild.org/  
To subscribe or unsubscribe to the LAPG newsletter, or to send a notice for next month, drop an email to truffulatuft@peacenet.com