If anyone knows any permaculture folks in Italy, here is someone looking for them...

Begin forwarded message:

From: "fritz haeg" <fritz@fritzhaeg.com>
Date: December 4, 2006 9:16:47 AM PST
To: <cgold@ucla.edu>, <nettaxi@earthlink.net>, <llucas@talbotlucas.org>, "'Yvonne Savio'" <ydsavio@ucdavis.edu>, "'Steph Rioux'" <srioux@calarts.edu>
Subject: Slow Food, Permaculture, Gardens in Italy

Hi all,

Do you know any slow food, organic garden, permaculture, agriculture people in italy? I will be based in Rome researching this from dec. 25 to jan. 11 & looking for contacts.

Many Thanks!



Also, if any of you have it....I can�t find Evan Kleiman�s email.

fritz haeg

2538 sundown drive

los angeles, california�90065

studio�323.255.5998 cel 323.829.5998

web http://www.fritzhaeg.com�email fritz@fritzhaeg.com