1619 Silver Lake Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90026

Blow Up Your Mind

Robert Miles Kemp

Reprogrammable Space: Building Updatable Spatial Systems

Tuesday November 7th 8PM
$5 donation at the gate

Featuring Hal 9000, Crestron Systems, Automated Cars, Transformable Architecture, Robot Snakes, Voltron, Meta-Morphic Systems, Nanotechnology, series Design/Build and many others . . .

A lecture discussing the convergence of embedded computation and kinetics in real-time updatable architectural systems; specifically looking at past kinetic architectural precedents, current trends in automation, new ways of building transformable robots and building/designing real time updatable systems.

This event takes place within our newly opened environment Bubbles. If you have not seen it at night, it is awesome, bring a beach blanket, relax on the sand and participate in this evening discussion.
This event will be cancelled if it is raining.

For more information about the lecture series check out our web page, subject to further updates and revisions, here.

Many thanks to our sponsors for this lecture series : Fountainhead & the Annenberg Foundation

Let's Build Something Beautiful!
Materials & Applications *

* M&A is an experimental architecture and landscape research center with a unique outdoor exhibit space that is designed to be visible from the street. Twice yearly, the site hosts new outdoor installations. We encourage use of sustainable resources, renewable energy and smart technologies used in an artful way to push new and underused ideas for landscape and architecture into view.

M&A is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dependent upon your donations.

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