Hi friends, I know it s been a while since I ve sent anything to this list.  I ve been busy with some long term projects and putting some energy into my own gardens for a change.  But now I m on the road again, heading toward Scotland for the G8 events there this summer.  Below is information on my plans and upcoming events and I ll be posting more regularly as the organizing begins. 


G8 Plans

The G8 Summit, the meeting of the heads of state of the eight most powerful countries in the world, will take place in Gleneagles, Scotland July 6-8.  Major protests are planned, and organizing has been underway in Scotland and Britain for over a year, and much of that work has been quite visionary.  Urban convergence centers and a rural encampment will be designed to show a vision of the world we want, and demonstrate balanced, ecofriendly ways to meet human needs.  A Cre8 Summit in June will work with local, inner city communities to create a garden and social center in the path of a planned road development. Spiritual healing spaces and celebrations are being planned by a network of Brits involved in earth based spirituality.  And, of course, there will be forums, a march expected to be the largest demonstration ever in Scotland, and nonviolent direct action.
             I m very excited.  I believe this mobilization has the potential to truly demonstrate what we re for as well as what we re against, and to send people home with some of the skills and experience they need to create the other world we keep saying is possible.  I will be helping to support the organizing in a number of ways.  In late May Erik Ohlsen and I are leading a permaculture course, in coordination with local Scottish teachers, to help prepare people to be resources for the design and building of the eco-camp and convergence spaces. I m also linked with the training collective that has been offering nonviolent direct action trainings in many communities in Britain for the past year.  I ll stay in Scotland for most of June to help with projects and ongoing trainings with one detour south for a workshop in London at Alternatives (see below for info.) Others from the RANT collective of trainers will also be coming to Scotland in late June, to help support the great work local trainers are already doing.
            Below is information on the actions.  We need lots of support, magical, practical, and as always, material.  We re still trying to pay for Erik s flight over, for the costs of the permaculture training which we are offering virtually for free, for the convergence space rentals and the tools and materials we need to make this vision a reality.  If you can help, tax deductible checks can be made to:
Alliance for Community Trainers
1405 Hillmont St.
Austin, TX 78704
Earmarked Scotland
Or, even simpler, donate online at www.rantcollective.net <http://www.rantcollective.net/> .  Just click on the Donate button at the bottom of the page.  Thanks so much!
If you re in Europe or the UK, it might be simpler to go directly to the Dissent Network to donate in your currency.  Go to http://www.dissent.org.uk/content/view/90/66/
I ll be writing updates on the trainings and organizing periodically, and I ll try to cover the actions on a daily basis. If you re not already on my list, subscribe by sending an email to Starhawk-subscribe@lists,riseup.net and put subscribe in the subject line.

Cre8 Summit June 12-17

Cre8 Summit has been organised by individuals wanting to protest 'for' something rather than 'against' the G8.  We are planning to work with the ongoing community protests against the building of the M74 in Glasgow, in particular the council estates of Govanhill and Gorbles.
The plan for the work is to reclaim a vacant piece of land that is on site for the construction of the motorway, and than to turn it into a community social space with gardens, sculptures, benches, artwork, etc.

The work on this project is underway.  During May we will be running weekly workshops with the communities.  During the second week of June, we will reclaim the land (community open day 12th of June) and begin a week of work (from the13-17th of June) to turn this bit of waste land into something the community can enjoy.

There is an email list that announces news on this project:
you can subscribe here: http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/cre8summit


G8  Protest Highlights

Saturday 2nd July - Make Poverty  History Demonstration, Edinburgh  expected to be the biggest demonstration ever held in Scotland. Sunday 3rd July The Alternative  Summit, Edinburgh workshops  including George Monbiot, Susan George, Ken Wiwa and Starhawk. Monday 4th July - Faslane Nuclear  Submarine Base blockade. Six of the G8 have nuclear weapons on their soil. The  replacement or otherwise of Britain s Trident system must be decided by  Parliament shortly. Tuesday 5th July Climate Justice Day  & demonstration at Dungavel detention centre called by Glasgow Campaign  to Welcome Refugees.  Wednesday 6th July   Mass demonstration over the hills  to Gleneagles Hotel on first day of G8 summit.  Further information at:  http://www.dissent.org.uk <http://www.dissent.org.uk/>   Dissent is the main group organizing  actions.  
http://www.g8alternatives.org.uk  Website for alternative forums, etc.
http://scotland.indymedia.org <http://scotland.indymedia.org/>   Indymedia Scotland page
Starhawk s workshop at Alternatives
Sunday, June 26
London, England
"Holding Power Well'

This workshop explores issues of power and leadership.  How do we take our power and own it as a life-giving force?  How do we recognize when we do have power, and use it in ways that empower others?  How do we nurture and support leadership in our groups, while also holding our leaders accountable?  This is a workshop for anyone who has struggled with these issues in relationships or groups.  All of us have internalized models of power as domination, which often interfere when we attempt to form new structures based on power-from-within.  We will consider power within sacred space, and through ritual, trance, and energy work develop the tools we need to transform destructive patterns into energies freed for change.

For more information, contact: Alternatives
Tel: 020 7287 6711
www.alternatives.org.uk <http://www.alternatives.org.uk/>
This post has been sent to you from Starhawk@lists.riseup.net.  This is an announce-only listserve that allows Starhawk to post her writings occasionally to those who wish to receive them.

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Starhawk is a lifelong activist in peace and global justice movements, a leader in the feminist and earth-based spirituality movements, author or coauthor of ten books, including The Spiral Dance, The Fifth Sacred Thing, Webs of Power: Notes from the Global Uprising, and her latest, The Earth Path. 

Starhawk's website is www.starhawk.org, and more of her writings and information on her schedule and activities can be found there.