We have FOUR events this week…..

1.       Yoga on Tuesday February 23 at 5pm

2.       Guild meeting on Tuesday February 23 at 6pm

3.       Movie “Botany of Desire” on Friday February 26 at 7:30pm

4.       Work and Play Day on Saturday February 26 starting at 9:00am


Here are all the details:


Pre Guild Yoga with Paige Wyatt Tuesday February 23 at 5 PM

SLO Grange / Tuesday Farmers' Market – 3pm -6pm

2880 Broad St, San Luis Obispo, California 93401

Come and do yoga with us before our Permaculture Guild meeting. Relax, stretch, and enjoy the company of great people before we have our potluck dinner and social & learning event in the SLO Grange. Hope to see you there!


SLO Permaculture Guild Potluck and Presentation Tuesday February 23 at 6pm

SLO Grange Hall Tuesday Farmers’ Market at 3pm – 6pm

2880 Broad St, San Luis Obispo, California 93401

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/SLOPermacultureGuild/

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/895682213790375/

Facebook invite: https://www.facebook.com/events/1679908528919349/

We'll be hosting our next meeting February 23rd with more potluck and potlatching for us all to catch up. Followed by hearing about all that has gone on this month and what is to come next month. Raven will be talking to us about some basics of permaculture - what it is, what it isn't and how we USE it in what we do. Then we'll move into how we can use permaculture to build healthy, sustainable and holistic gardens. We'll discuss how to build plant guilds, build soil and highlight 5 plants that make a great addition to any garden. Hope to see you there! :)

Please bring your own tableware and plate. Also bring items you have an abundance of to share with others. (That is what a “Potlatch” is by the way.)


Friday: Permie Movie Night At Lavra: The Botany Of Desire

7:30pm at the Lavra Community in Arroyo Grande website: http://www.thelavra.org/

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/427603297333635/?fref=ts

Facebook invite: https://www.facebook.com/events/1033457636695392/

The Lavra will be hosting Permie Movie Night every last Friday of the month at their beautiful home. This month will be a featuring of the documentary (based on the book), The Botany of Desire. Wonderful popcorn will also be provided! 2030 East Deer Canyon Road off of Corbett


Saturday: Sobyl Work and Play Party – February 27th starting at 9am

8780 Junipero Avenue in Atascadero

Facebook invite: https://www.facebook.com/events/1679908528919349/
Here is an updated invite to Sobyl's Permie Work and Play party on Saturday February 27!!!

First: From 9am till 10:30 the lovely and brilliant Amanda Smith will present: "Save the Food Soil Web; Save the Planet" (Breakfast provided by Sobiewan)

At 10:30 we will be doing the following projects led by the infamous Permie Dude Josh Carmichael:
1. Sheet Mulching, Pathways and further planting in the Food forest (Please bring cardboard!)
2. Planting a KEYHOLE garden
3. Seeding a wildflower meadow around the walnut tree
4. Various little projects to upgrade my Atascadero Food Forest and Playground

Around 1:30 POTLUCK LUNCH followed by:
Return to work/play followed by some serious partying into the evening and beyond.

Please Bring: Friends - We want to expand our community
Food and beverages for snacking or for the Lunch: (I will have some beer and herbal sun teas and homemade Meyer's Lemonade.)
Musical instruments

Folding chairs to sit on

Tools and any seeds you would like to share
I and my little Atascadero Estate thank you for participating and look forward to more and more gathering as the food forest ripens and will need ongoing harvesting. Many thanks!!

Sobyl Bunis