Jan 9 2015 Introductory Public Talk ~ A Taste of Dynamic Governance with John Buck and Manfred Friedrich/Workshop Jan 10/11 Santa Barbara County Public Health Building, 300 North San Antonio Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93110.
Dynamic Governance (Sociocracy) is an approach to decision-making, organizational and
corporate governance, and project management that creates more inclusive
and effective organizations. It gives everyone in an organization an ear,
a voice, and informed influence over policy that affects them, while
maintaining the efficiency of vertical hierarchy. You’ll spend less time
in meetings and arrive at better decisions. Don’t those sound like
The method addresses decision-making, organizational structure,
leadership, and workflow. It has been successfully used for more than 40
years by businesses and groups in the Netherlands, where it was first
developed and honed in an electrical engineering company. It is spreading
around the world and is currently used by several thousand
The primary objective of dynamic governance is creating a harmonious
workplace, not just because harmony is nice, but because harmony is
necessary in order for people to work together effectively.
Harmony boosts success, whether that success is measured in dollars
earned, medicines distributed, or lives saved. By creating harmony,
dynamic governance produces successful organizations.
For more info on Dynamic Governance (Sociocracy )
For more info on event and Workshop Jan 10,11 2015
Empowering People and Organizations Dynamic Governance: A Weekend
Cost: Early bird discount before January 1: $175-285 sliding scale
Full price: $210-$335 sliding scale
Scholarships and work trades available.
Lesley Weinstock: lesleyweinstock@yahoo.com, 805-212-0052
Sponsors: Interplay, Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
Endorsers: Earth First Construction: Sweetwater Collaborative: Sama Group
Santa Barbara: Center for Nonviolent Communication:
John Buck: co-author of We the People: Consenting to a Deeper Democracy,
Division Director, The Sociocracy Group, Netherlands. Consults with
businesses, nonprofits, and collaboration Councils.
Manfred Friedrich: entrepreneur, organization builder, and mediator,
offers Sociocracy to support conscious organizations longing to foster
collaboration, equality, personal growth, transparency and better
John Schinnerer: MA Whole Systems Design, develops cultural and
ecological systems for clients. His innovative, collaborative methods
invite transparency, equivalence and enhance effectiveness and
Dynamic Governance (aka Sociocracy) is an elegantly simple, innovative
change from conventional business methods. We encourage you to bring
several people from your organization. Bring your actual work issues.
Learn tools to get things done!
In the workshop you will:
· Use collaborative decision-making, not consensus or win/lose
· Experience how everyone can have a real voice in decision-making.
· Design power structures that foster creativity, reduce tension and
prevent burnout.
· Learn to have fewer, shorter, meetings, heighten productivity and
increase commitment
· Engage and empower both paid staff and volunteers.
Stories from around the world about dynamic governance:
•The School of Media, Culture, and Design: star performer at Woodbury
University, Burbank, CA.
•The Appalachian Foodshed Project, a three-state system of Collaboration
Councils with hundreds of volunteers, agencies, and businesses, is
solving hunger and food desert challenges.
•The Permaculture Association of Scotland has adopted dynamic governance
(sociocracy) as its governance system because it aligns with permaculture
Dynamic Governance
What It Is
Dynamic Governance is an approach to decision-making, organizational and
corporate governance, and project management that creates more inclusive
and effective organizations. It gives everyone in an organization an ear,
a voice, and informed influence over policy that affects them, while
maintaining the efficiency of vertical hierarchy. You’ll spend less time
in meetings and arrive at better decisions. Don’t those sound like
The method addresses decision-making, organizational structure,
leadership, and workflow. It has been successfully used for more than 40
years by businesses and groups in the Netherlands, where it was first
developed and honed in an electrical engineering company. It is spreading
around the world and is currently used by several thousand
Dynamic governance was designed by an engineer and is based on
cybernetics (the science of communications and control) and systems
What that means in plain English is that it treats an organization as an
integrated system, and builds in feedback loops to check that policies
and practices have their desired effects. A key innovation is its
structural approach to improving communication and
The method works in a wide range of settings including families,
volunteer groups, community organizations, non-profits, government
agencies, schools and universities, small businesses, and large
corporations. It rewires the decision-making process to mine the
intelligence and creativity that already exist in the organization. It
can fundamentally transform an organization while maintaining continuity
of day-to-day operations. In fact, it quickly enhances daily functioning
and infuses it with fresh meaning.·