If you are looking for a place for your year-end tax deductible donations
to go,
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network could use your help!
“Giving is
one of the ways we burst out of our individual bubbles.
It is a profound expression of our hope, our belief in the goodness
of human beings,
and our expectations for a better world. It is our humanness at its
best.” -from "Robin Hood was Right" book
Although we have done hundreds of
events, workshops and classes since we founded Santa Barbara Permaculture
Network, an educational 501(c)(3)) non-profit in 2000, we hardly
ever ask for financial assistance.
but recently, fees for venues like the Faulkner Gallery at the Santa
Barbara Central Library and other expenses have almost doubled.
Our strategy has always been to be light on our feet, do lots with
little, using the small admission fees we charge to pay for our
Our intention was to complement and augment the work of our local
permaculture guild which we facilitated for many years (South Coast
Permaculture Guild, which was later renamed the Permaculture Guild of
Santa Barbara) with a constant stream of speakers and programs that
brought the broad spectrum of ideas that is permaculture to our community
and region, with teachers known & unknown at the time.
We choose not to rely on grants from foundations that take enormous
amounts of time and energy, while many times dictating the kinds of
programs organizations are allowed to do. All our staff time is
volunteer, it is our way of contributing and sharing as quickly as
possible the profound message of permaculture, that was so needed when we
first began, and still is today.
We have enjoyed our work in the community immensely, and will continue to
host events such as the Annual Community Seed Swap and other talks,
booktours, and workshops. We are happy to accept good positive
energy in the form of dollar contributions, large or small, to help us
continue in a more sustainable manner.
Margie Bushman & Wes Roe
Co-founders, Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
it's easy to give!
We have PayPal on our website, or checks can be sent to:
P.O. Box 92156, Santa Barbara, CA 93190
Please join us on January 25 & 26th for the upcoming 6th Santa
Barbara Annual Community Seed Swap Event
This year with a Mesoamerican theme, we start by hosting Lorenz Schaller
with an evening talk:
"Modern Science Meets Ancient
with Lorenz Schaller of the Kusa Seed
Saturday, January 25, 6:30pm-8:30pm $5
followed by the
Seed Swap on January 26, 11-3pm, FREE
Both events at the Santa Barbara Central Library,
Faulkner Gallery
more info at
(805) 962-2571
P.O. Box 92156, Santa Barbara, CA 93190
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