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The Grow Food Party Crew is a model for throwing free community parties that incorporate music, food, education, connection, and fun that leave an edible oasis in their wake.

Join in the fun this Sun Nov 15th 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. (at Russ Salzgeber's place at 447 Concha Loma Dr. Carpenteria) to bring your community together to grow food and nurture cooperation using permaculture practices and have a lot of fun while doing it. Come to a party, contribute, have fun, and put your name in the hat for the next GFPC event!

There will be soil amending and veggie planting projects, but the core demonstration for this site is based on *Paul Stamets' "Mycelium Running". Learn how mushrooms can save the planet by restoring soil.  This site is a small, mostly unused family farm that could use a kick start to provide food to families in Carpinteria and be a groundbreaking center for the mycellium movement.

If you can, bring something tasty to eat or drink. Bring your muscial instruments too. It is a party so come sing us a song so we can whistle while we work!

Kids welcome! Play area on site. Exchange area too! Bring surplus produce, seedlings, toys, books, clothes, etc.
Don't miss the sacred circle gathering around 1 or 130 p.m.

Wish list for this event: YOU! Carrot seeds or seedlings, string,  musical instruments, yummy food to share.

Your skills and spirit are welcomed to a happy place to express your gifts, learn, connect, and create a healthier community for us all. Kids to permaculture experts, landscape artists to novice gardeners and anyone who loves a good party, contact us now! 805-448-8001

GFPC Culture: Gratitude, celebration, fun, leave it “better” than you found it, community – rebuilding the village, Local Power and Real Wealth, giving/sharing/making contributions, circle/peer mentoring/each one teach one, care of the land, care of each other, peace, fully alive, curiosity, positive vision.

Gabrielle Sundra
Halt the Default with Positivity Products
Chat Skype: gabriellesundra
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Gabrielle Sundra
Halt the Default with Positivity Products
Chat Skype: gabriellesundra
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