Training Course
Institute, Big Sur, Ca
Nov. 29th -
Dec. 6th 2009
Permaculture is a holistic design system for creating and sustaining
regenerative human systems and whole environments for healthy living.
This Permaculture Teacher's course is a revolutionary new way of
teaching solution based eco-social design concepts by applying the
principles of permaculture to the teaching of permaculture. Any
teacher and practioner in any field can apply these techniques. This
course will cover every aspect of being an effective educator and
promoter of a more sustainable and just future.
Modeled after the TTCs that Christopher Peck and Michael Kramer
conducted from 2001 to 2004 in Hawaii and Central California, this
curriculum is being taken to the next level as in the principle of
evolution. In addition highly experienced guest speakers will give
their perspective on permaculture and what they have learned in
teaching and communicating this extremely valuable information to ones
community and the public.
Some Highlights that this seven day course include are
* Comprehensive manual & DVD of resources and teaching
* Course planning, marketing and evaluation
* How to identify learning styles and adjust and adapt to various
* Techniques to help you organize and prepare quickly and
* Constructive critique of participant presentations
* Teaching tools and learning the core exercises of the Permaculture
This course offers powerful teaching techniques gleaned from years of
Permaculture teaching-wisdom from the instructors' Kat Steele and
Benjamin Fahrer. Their own experience as well as that of renowned
Permaculture teachers and mentors from around the globe makes this one
of the most comprehensive Teacher Trainings available today.
There is still space available for this amazing and dynamic course
that will be happening Nov 29th- Dec 6th 2009. Space is limited to 22
participants. Seminar Fees are $850-$1450 depending on
some scholarship is available.
Register on
the web at or cal 831-667-3005. For any additional
information please contact