We have an emergency as gabriel got a bacteria in his ear from polluted ocean water that caused a severous ear infection that got complicated and expanded to his brain and lungs. He is still in the hospital but recuperating movement and with no brain damage, however, with the outstanding hospital bill and the realities of the maintenance of the Botanical garden we are in need of your support, please consider the following:
Howearth Fund for the  Preservation of Bio-Diversity
Gabriel Howearth is in hospital and in need of your prayers and financial support. Please donate generously and help Gabriel back on his feet so that he may continue his crucial work of botanical preservation.
In exchange for a five hundred dollar ($500 USD) contribution by October 31st, Earth Stewards of the Howearth Fund receive:
          * 3 weeks at Buena Fortuna Gardens for one person
 (or one week for three people);
*  30% discount on on-site workshops generated by Siempre    Semillas (NGO);
*  20% discount on on-site workshops generated by outside organizations;
*  5 - 10% discount on all  off-site workshops performed by Gabriel Howearth (depending on place and location);
*  Possible week-sharing-exchange with other biodiversity projects in San Pancho Nayarit and others in Brazil (to be announced).
Support Gabriel's recovery. Send your love and prayers. Become an Earth Steward of the Howearth Fund for the Preservation of Biodiversity. Send your much needed tax deductible contributions to:
          Howearth Fund for the Preservation of Bio-Diversity
          C/O   Name
For up-dates on Gabriel's recovery, send e-mail inquires to Kitzia Danel Howearth at and  

Health Research Institute

      c/o WellSprings

      2253 Highway 99 North

      Ashland, Or 97520
