NO MONEY is necessary for this important film, although donations are always appreciated.
I especially want to reach anyone who works with or knows high schoolers (before the recruiters sign em up) -- do you know any teachers ?  any high school age people?   Parents / sisters / brothers / aunts / uncles of high-schoolers?  Please email them the attached flyer !
As many teens as possible should see this film before the recruiters get them to sign on the dotted line   ! ! !
Disturbing, moving and sometimes inspiring, as in the courage of Camillo Mejia to say "No" in the face of jail time.
The Ground Truth             Showing Monday, Nov. 12, 7 pm, S.B. Library
                                         (Anapamu St just off State)       FREE  (donations appreciated)
A powerful and unflinching look at the Iraq war from the perspective of the troops, plus the even more challenging battles they face when returning home, with personal demons, estranged families, an uncomprehending public and an indifferent government.
Patricia Foulkrod's searing documentary feature includes exclusive footage that will stir audiences. The filmmaker's subjects are patriotic young Americans - ordinary men and women who heeded the call for military service in Iraq - as they experience recruitment and training, combat, homecoming, and the struggle to reintegrate with families and communities. The terrible conflict in Iraq, depicted with ferocious honesty in the film, is a prelude for the even more challenging battles fought by the soldiers returning home – with personal demons, an uncomprehending public, and an indifferent government. As these battles take shape, each soldier becomes a new kind of hero, bearing witness and giving support to other veterans, and learning to fearlessly wield the most powerful weapon of all - the truth.
This film is being shown by HopeDance.   Admission is free, we want everyone to see this. 
And, donations are always appreciated to help cover the costs of the room, film, flyers, etc.

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