Sierra Permaculture Guild logo

Emergence: The Sierra Permaculture Guild

Please join us at the inaugural meeting of the new Sierra Permaculture Guild! And pass the word on to other permies!

Saturday August 25, 6:30-8:30pm
The Sacred Bee
1451-A East Main Street
Grass Valley, CA 95945
venue phone: 530-272-6427

Discuss format of group
List possible activities & speakers
Appoint secretary to keep minutes
Schedule future meetings
Other topics?
Community announcements

Bring seeds or garden surplus to share if you have any!

Please RSVP to Paul at

The Sacred Bee is located between Brunswick Road and Dorsey/Sierra College Drive. Use Bus Route #1, get off at corner of Joerschke Dr. and Nevada City Hwy. or corner of Dorsey Dr. and East Main Street. Parking is available in the front lot next to the 'Bee' or all the way at the back of the lot past the sycamore tree. Please do not park directly behind the building as these spaces are reserved for tenants only.