
This Friday (5/5), the SustClub and the College of Ag at Cal Poly are pleased tobe hosting Dr. Bill Roley, The Director of the Permaculture Institute of Southern California.  He will be speaking to our Organic Agriculture class (9am,
Bldg. 52, Room E-27) on the topic of 'agroforestry'.

Later in the AFTERNOON (starting at approximately 3:45) Bill will be touring theStudent Farm at Cal Poly (1/4 mile west of the Dairy Unit) and giving an informal tutorial on PRINCIPLES OF ECOLOGICAL DESIGN with specific references tothe site.  All are invited to attend.  Come meet Bill, bring your questions and input about working with the earth and enjoy the site with us.

Hope to see you there!   The SustClub
From: sustclub/cpslo_club@polymail.calpoly.edu

Santa Barbara
Permaculture Network
224 E. Figueroa St, #C
Santa Barbara, CA 93101